I haven’t read "A Child Called IT" yet, not sure I will. I read Dave’s follow-up book, ‘Help Yourself’ I think and that was enough. Too much graphic detail I would fear: I know bad things happen, I don’t need to know all the details all the time, I don’t need to see pictures of more bodies, I know what dead bodies look like, sort of thing. Show me something that instructs and helps…..
“the present moment is a pretty vulnerable place and that this can be completely unnerving and completely tender at the same time."
This is a feeling I’ve struggled so hard to describe since my teens! Especially the tenderness. Amazing. I think of it as a moment when I was about 22, with a soft night wind blowing on my cheek and a sense of ‘now’ and nothing else, except the utter melancholy and beauty and yes pointlessness of the ‘now’.
Hey, I still struggle with time.

And space. Memory is an interesting function that makes me nuts sometimes (memory or premonition?) Thank you lots for that quote. I shall look for the book.
Thanks for the kind words Stormchild and Sleepyhead. Music and marmite do help

! P