Author Topic: How safe is this forum?  (Read 3393 times)


  • Guest
How safe is this forum?
« on: October 29, 2003, 07:16:34 PM »
So obviously I'm new here.  For those of you who have done this for awhile, has this helped you?  For those of you not really sure if this is a safe place to post and/or posting as guest, what is stopping you from joining?


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how safe is this forum
« Reply #1 on: October 29, 2003, 07:42:11 PM »
Hi Guest,

I'm new to this site and chat room as well.  I'd never been on or joined a chat room before.  I joined this one, and with regard to safety, I didn't use my real name or give other details (i.e. where I'm from, profession, etc.), although I would like to share more.  If your Narcissist uses your computer, I guess he or she could turn it on, get on the internet, and see which sites you've been on recently?  I think, I'm no computer expert.  But if you keep details to a minimum and use a "stage name", it may be safer?

Anyway, as far as being helpful, I've found this chat room and everyone in it, registered or not, more helpful than any therapist (individual or couples), any book, any website.  Listening to people who've been in my situation and shoes, and hearing what they've been through has helped support me, show me what could come if I stay or go, and validated my thoughts and experiences.  I am so grateful to everyone who's posted either topic or reply.  I encourage you to try it!  Good luck, I hope you find help through any avenue.


Discounted Girl

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How safe is this forum?
« Reply #2 on: October 30, 2003, 11:56:22 PM »
Well Guest, I think it's probably a lot safer than being raised by the NQueen like I was  :roll:


  • Guest
How safe is this forum?
« Reply #3 on: October 31, 2003, 10:24:13 AM »
I can tell you guest, I have been visiting this message board for over six months and have not had any problem with security or otherwise.  I am not sure what you are referring to when you ask about safety.. do you mean in the psychological sense or in the physical/privacy sense? Technically, this isn't a "chat room" per is more anonymous, a posting bulletin board such as this is much safer than a chat room as you have to log into it to even post here and there is no email addresses exchanged unless you allow them to be by default.  

Additionally, this site is frequently monitored by the creator, Dr. Grossman, and if anything gets out of hand psychologically he will step in and respond though he is not responsible if you give out personal info.  There have been a couple of malicious visitors but we are a pretty tight bunch and protective of one another... they are quick to disappear after defensive responses of participants here. Most of us are here in the true spirit of healing and support... there is little risk of getting hurt.  You may occasionally be told something that is difficult to hear but that is sometimes the way to healing!
