... arrived back home (with parents) for a week. I went to visit. He spent an hour eating a bacon sandwich and talking about his new haircut, and how cool it is. He offered me a sandwich, and I took a bite, and said, 'yuck, there is mustard in it. I don't like mustard.'
(This is the same brother who brings me presents of jars of pickled garlic, and bottles of 30 year old rum. Which I don't eat/drink. He tries to get me to eat the garlic cloves whole, on their own. What is it with these people and their preferences in food? If they like it, there is no way you won't. So they try to stuff it into your mouth for you.

He even tried to give garlic to our budgie.

He said, 'you should try it (mustard) on pikelets, it is really good.'
I said, 'I am sure it is, if you like mustard.'
So he said, 'no, you should try it, it is nice.'
Then mum says, 'shall I make you another one, without mustard?' and I said no thanks, I don't want another one. I didn't really want that one.
(I never ever eat at her house. Feeding people is part of how she controls those around her. It is manipulative. I am not sure how, but I sure as hell know it is.)
He and Nmum had conversation, and I sat there thinking, two Ns in a row, feeding one another. Very happy. Both talking about how long he slept last night, and what time he went to bed, and what time he got up again, and more about the hair. Meanwhile, I sat there thinking, what is this all about? Not even how are things, or have you both got over the terrible episode recently?
So, however you catch it, Nbrother has it.

Time for grieving of a kind, I think. Something that I always suspected, but never saw so clearly before.