Hi everyone:
LM, that's so nice for you about the NT and how it has helped you to be an "overcomer". I'm so glad for you!

That is so nice to hear!
I know GFN is away for Easter now but perhaps she will see this post when she returns. (I am assuming GFN is a girl.
Yes, I am a female (but I'm not getting into that masculine/feminine thing again, so I'll leave it at that).
Perhaps the most frustrating/painful aspects of my damage from being raised by N's is that I struggle to feel/know the love of the God I believe in and serve.
I'm not sure, but I think what you are saying here is that you have sustained damage by being raised by N's and that you have connected this damage to your struggle to feel/know God. That struggle is frustrating/painful for you and due to your childhood? In other words, you might be thinking that if you had grown up in a "normal" family, you would not have sustained this damage.....and you would not be experiencing this struggling to feel/know God?
I'm not sure I agree with that idea because I know lot's of people who grew up in what they describe (and certainly it appears) as basically "normal" families, yet, some of them are having the same struggle you describe.
Are you sure it's "damage" from where you grew up/who raised you that's causing the trouble? Is it possible that a change in thinking may help?
I grew up feeling despised by my N Mother and terribly ashamed. I tried to perform to make her love me, but everything I did made her despise me more. That's hard to understand as a kid. Her disdain frightened me - I used to sleep with my door locked.
How awful for you! I'm sorry that your mom was so lacking in desire and ability to mother you and I'm really sorry for all of the pain that has caused you. No child should feel like that....unloved, unwanted, despised, and that has hurt you plenty, I am sure. (((((((((Chutzbagirl))))))))
Is this what you mean in regard to childhood damage and God.....you felt ashamed about not being loved by your mother....so.......maybe you still feel ashamed and unworthy of even...... God's love?
What did you do wrong to deserve not to be loved by your mother?
How was that your fault?
What have you done to deserve the same treatment by God?
I'm sure all this distortion blocks my ability to experience God.
You still have lot's of time to line up all the blocks.
Perhaps I'm still performing for His love. Something I know I don't have to do - but the 18 inches from the head to the heart is a very, very long journey.
Yes, and also......you kept trying to gain/earn/perform for your mother's love and what did it get you?
Maybe you are not even aware of some little voice that's telling you:
"Why waste your time? You did this before and it didn't work with your mother. It will never work with God!!! You're way too undeserving/unloveable/rotten/and your breath is bad".
But your conscious mind knows that you don't have to do anything to earn God's love and acceptance. Maybe the journey is from your unconscious to your conscious mind......less distance (in my case......a very short run...heehee

So, although my ego would love to be viewed as a wise "old timer" in the land of recovery, I'm still wrestling with the basics. That's just too bad...
This is a big basic though, if you really, unconsciously believe you do not deserve to be loved....if you cannot trust love....(which would be understandable because your mother is supposed to love you and she didn't. Therefore.....God is supposed to love you, maybe he doesn't?)
Have you tried daily affirmations/meditation/visualization/positive suggestion.....stuff like that?
Praying is a kind of meditation. What if you envision, inside your head, a white light or some other simple thing to focus on, and what if you were to practice hearing God's voice...telling you that you are good, your breath is fine, that you are indeed deserving and He indeed loves you?
Or if that seems too far-fetched.....practice hearing just...a loving, pleasant voice and try to believe that voice??
This will take time and effort but eventually.....you will feel better I bet.
Hope this helps a little.