Hiya all, I love this thread, I’ve never seen or heard such an open conversation.
I only believe in the things I experience personally, then create theories to explain it.
I understand this and accept it. I would add get as much information about it and then compare all experience to your own experience and see how it matches and differs? If this is your faith, then I like your faith. I guess if I have faith (I’m hung up on words and language, so-) then it’s similar.
She also added that this engine creates lenslike portals, that are relatively stable.
This is all fascinating and stretching. Thank you.

It fits into using energy holes for ‘travel’ too which is a lovely thought to entertain. I just can’t see right now how we fleshy things could ever evolve to such a level where we could somehow withstand the forces though. But ‘they’ are investigating such things. Beam me up Scotty.
Q: if you could go back or forward in time just once, which would you choose? I’d go forward and see if we survive, what we’re doing, how we’re living. But how far forward? Suppose we die out….if I go forward far enough…would a different species be ‘doing better’? Just playing.
Hiya mudpup,
I do however believe there is a God who does, and all he asks of us is we acknowledge him.
I can’t see how any God would be bothered enough with us to be concerned about our acknowledgement. Why would he ask anything of us? I don’t understand how we can be that important. If we are important, we’re not doing very well at taking care of ourselves and our home, we need educating!
One of the reasons I question any idea of an external higher power
that is interested in us, is that, well, it seems too much like a parent/child relationship and in some ways, too close to human narcissism than I like. Do you see what I mean? I get uncomfortable with the ‘relationships’ involved.
When I said “I’d like to understand faith better” what I meant was I’d like to understand why some people have faith. I know what faith is. I don’t know why some people have it and others don’t. Don’t think I expressed that very well before.
You do have a set of principles and beliefs. So you do have one type of faith.
I don’t have any principles which are
absolute. Can’t think of any which I wouldn’t change given the right circumstances. Seriously. Murder, suicide, much worse. They could all be argued for given certain theoretical situations (but that gets a bit sick for everyday yakking). What about faith in myself? I could easily be driven ‘mad’ and perhaps not know what was me or not me. Faith would be believing that couldn’t happen I guess. I don’t have that faith. Anything could happen.
I haven’t read all of the Bible, or the Talmud, or the Koran etc. They don’t interest me enough now, and I’ve given up reading books because I think I ‘should’ read them. Maybe I will read them one day. On that desert island.
Do you trust anyone?
I trust myself more now. But you mean trust others? And if so with what? My life? My Self (which is more important to me than my life)? Honestly, no I don’t trust anyone with my Self. Because there is no-one that knows me like I know me. To trust someone else with my Self, my mind, would be illogical, lazy and
irresponsible to me. Unless I was ‘mad’ and then I might have no choice (or would I?). Tricky subject, insanity. Do you really trust anyone to that extent GFN, with your mind? Is this what faith is, feeling that God is responsible for what’s in your head?
(trying to think how to phrase that better, but I can’t think how to, it’s a serious question though)What I feel is a desire to comfort Portia and hope that she is not feeling "wrong or bad" but first.....I want to be sure it's ....people....she's concerned with who think that....and not God.
Thanks for wanting to comfort me GFN. If God thinks I’m wrong or bad, I don’t know that, so it literally
doesn’t enter my thoughts, no problem. But I really don’t imagine he’d be interested one way or another. I wonder if God sees a difference between bad and good, right and wrong? I think Vunil answered this quote pretty well. It’s that I have enough on my plate trying to understand my fellow humans

but I really like the humans here