Hello EC:
I am stuck. Just like my whole life has been lived in fear. But I am at the edge and fear I will fall off if I do not get some help. I have become miserable, totally depressed, and have difficulty functioning.
I can relate big time about feeling stuck and the feelings generated by that and my past experiences. It's so hard to function in that state.
And the fear........been there too.
Someone told me that
we all have courage, we just have to use it.I started substituting that sentence in my mind, when my fears arose.
I don't like making decisions based on fear, so I have to insert this sentence at times when that might happen. It's a conscious decision.
You can decide to use your courage and you can make a decision, regardless of being afraid, that is based on the reality of your needs.
You need to feel better and so talking with a therapist might help, is likely to help, if the therapist is a good one. You need help, right?
It helped me to make a list of questions to ask the therapist, before deciding to stay with that person or not. That might sound silly but it really helped me because I was able to make a decision based on information, not just my feelings.
For instance: Do you believe in God? I want a therapist with the same basic belief system I have (I thought that was irrelevant before but I found out...in my case....it's not. It's very, very relevant).
See if you can make a list of stuff to ask.....even if you think you might not ask right away. Make the list and consentrate on your needs. It might help you to focus better.
To make that phone call......for the appointment......you can use your courage to do that too. You do have to decide to use it though. If it seems too tough, then think about doing it, picture yourself doing it, imagine the satisfaction with yourself that you will feel after you do it, etc. And in your thoughts, encourage yourself to make the call soon.
I'm sorry that you are feeling so down EC. It won't last forever. I hope you will find the courage to get what you need and not think of yourself as stuck....for much longer.