Hi Vunil and everyone,
I've watched my Nmom attempt "introspection" all my life. My NXH IS a therapist (and a good one... why I never put a lot of eggs in the therapy basket.) My Ns can have insight into their mechanisms in a self absorbed way. They can learn, in a rote manner, what behavour or response makes them appear less Nish. (This helps them get admiration, so it is useful). They can connect the dots of what happened in childhood, what motivates them now. But they can't CHANGE, except superficially, for 2 reasons:
1) they lack empathy, and that cannot change. Without the feedback loop of empathy and emotional connection, Ns don't get the rewards we do for behaving with kindness, integrity, truthfulness. When my Nmom lies on a bed watching tv with her grandaughter and daughter, she does not experience the warm, vibrant cocoon that we do. However, she wants someone to Quick! Get a camera! Take a picture of us all together! ....So she can show her friends that she has a family- that her photo would match or better the ones they show or discuss.
2) Ns feel a compulsion to get admiration, adulation, and attention the way a junkie needs a fix, and this addiction, this compulsion, is so strong that it overrides any other possibilities. So, they can "introspect" and alter their behavour only if and when it brings them more of their drug (attention).
My mom loves therapy- a place where her monologue about her favorite topic (herself) is actually invited. My NHX loves being a therapist because the power others place in him, the extreme admiration of others paying him to merely be in his pressence ALL feed his Ncism. But neither can tolerate a church or encounter group experience where people get really personal, intimate. They can go to churches that suit their social agenda, or go to seminars that are desiged to create "feel-good" and success- motivated atmospheres.
Vunil, you said
It's super-clear where they got their weirdness from; just looking at what both of their parents were like, and the trauma in their early lives, pretty much gets you where you need to be to start understanding why they were terrible parents to me. It isn't rocket science.
And my Nmom and NXH CAN see that, but they cannot HEAL from it.
My heart goes out to you in your pain, I totally understand this desire to have N relatives resolve even a fraction of their personal dillema. It hurts to have parents like this.