Did they put you through a psychological evaluation to steal her?
If so can you be reeavaluated?
ok im continuing these questions. thanks so much for helping me lay this out. as far as psych eval: also very weird. i got fully evaluated by my own personal psychiatrist, and my peresonal therapist up here. also my daughters teacher and several other people involved. all these people wrote sworn affidavits that i was totally competent to make decisions and care for my daughter, but none of it was admitted as evidence! in other words, they didnt even read the recommendations of my *own* doctors regarding my health. i begged the judge to order an evaluation for me, since i know id pass. they wouldnt do it. so - ??
i also had myself evaluated, at a cost of $1000, by a special family evaluator who was supposed to actually testify. well, they didnt allow her testimony either. she told me i was one of the best motheres she evaluated in 30 years. she interviewed me several times, each time i had to travel to california at my own expense. and yet, her testimiony, was not admittted by the judge. a couple of attorneys told me that was appealable, but not without thousands of dollars.
additionally, my father hired a 'therapist' with only a few years experience, who had *never* persoenaly spoken to me, seen me, or met me one time..... but her testimony that i was unfit, was considered admissable. so, that was all really fishy to me.
just recently my therapist told me, that if she had been taken by child services or any normal agency, not only would it not have happened in the first place, but i would have long ago met any normal requirements and gotten her back. but there was no plan given me, nothing to comply with, nothing to work for. the only requirement is acting like my parents want, and as we all know, theres NO winning there. every day its something different, no goals, no clarity, no timeline, no plan. just them dangling me on a string.
the whole thing about this, is that its never been based on facts to begin with, and so theres has been nothing factual i can provide anyone (so far) to counter it. ive had professionals telling them from the begiinning this is not necessary.. doctors and therapists all over the place.. i just cant seem to get them heard..
Are you in therapy?
If so, is it helping?
ive been in a lot of therapy. its on and off. i have a hard time getting even therapists to really understand my family. i am looking for a new one right now that will be -really- on top of this kind of thing. thats one thing im looking for guidance on. im tired of having therapists enable my parents.. becuase they 'cant see' what they do or they 'ddont blieve' people could really be like that. i am looking for a more 'with it' therapist rigit now.
Have you documented the things they do, to you and her? Things like 'losing' your mail or the arbitrary humiliating things they make you do.
i document everything.
Do you have any allies or friends there to support you?
very, very few. its real isolating. last question next post.
thanks, anna.