Author Topic: how a 7 yo copes  (Read 4726 times)


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how a 7 yo copes
« Reply #15 on: March 25, 2005, 09:10:54 AM »
Dear Mia,
My thoughts and prayers are with you and your children this holiday weekend.
Will you be able to speak to them over the phone while they are away?



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how a 7 yo copes
« Reply #16 on: March 25, 2005, 11:54:02 AM »
Quote from: Anonymous
Early this morning I celebrated Easter with the kids and read from the Bible about Good Friday, Jesus' crucifixion, and His rising from the dead. They sat and listened.  This gave me much comfort.  I told them Jesus loves them and is always with them.  My 4 yo son said a prayer all on his own, "Thank you for loving me, Jesus".  My heart smiled.

Too cute!!!!!  :)

Of course I wonder why Jesus isn't creating some diversion to prevent them from going to Dad's....

I hope they have a decent weekend. And you too.



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how a 7 yo copes
« Reply #17 on: March 29, 2005, 04:52:21 PM »

My kids are coming home in three hours from N Dad.

Can't wait.


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how a 7 yo copes
« Reply #18 on: March 29, 2005, 06:51:02 PM »
Hi Mia, my daughter is now almost 12, and I left my NXH when she was 3. He still has visitation. It is still a struggle. I have a very communicative relationship with my daughter. He did everything he could to turn her against me but has not succeeded. Everything is a popularity contest to him. I soo related to him wanting her to say she likes him best.  My daughter has not seen a therapist and is truly thriving. What she has seen is my constant willingness to stand ground for her with him. She has found this comforting.
Occasionally I have asked him to see a therapist with me to work on agreements. I forced his agreement to go by saying I had some issues and I'd discuss them with either DSS or a private counselor at his expense. These sessions are very fustrating but ultimately I've gotten enough compliance on his part that I feel my daughter is reasonably safe with him.

He's always tried to put her in the middle- break one of our agreements and ask her not to tell me. My daughter won't do it, but she can say, "talk to mom about it".
My personal opinion is that, while therapy can be useful, what your kids ultimately need is YOU to protect and hear them. You could make a list of why your daughter doesn't want to visit and see if you can pressure, cajole or blackmail him into compliance.

Standing up to my NXH has made me stronger, more confident, and I see these traits in my child. She is an honor student, soccer star, and a lovely person.

Ns are bullies but they don't always win; they are their own worst enemy a LOT. Do what you can to block his emotional abuse of your kids. Don't just passively rely on a therapist to help them talk through the hurt- some of the hurt can be avoided, or at least I found this to be true.

Good luck, my prayers are with you,


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how a 7 yo copes
« Reply #19 on: March 29, 2005, 07:07:28 PM »
thanks delphine

I have been trying to confront X N about his treatment of the children, esp. daughter.  Unfortunately, there is no reasoning with him.  I could make the most neutral statement and he will view it as an attack and will immediately go on the defense.  

I spoke with the kids during the visit on Easter and my daughter was begging to come home.  All constructive criticism is met with resistance. It has honestly reached the point where there is no talking to this monster.  He is still on a mission to reduce his CS and wants to rack up as many overnights as allowed by the Court in an attempt to do so.  He doesn't care what the impact on the children will be.  His concern has been and always will be...HIM.  

Since the end of the last week and the beginning of this week I have received an onslaught of correspondence from his attorney and from him. The majority of which was all nonsense but nevertheless it gets me pretty upset.  Actually, I have been very blue the last few days and find myself wishing him FOREVER!!  I know that it's not a reality and not very Christian like but I can't stand his insanity.  It's very grim.  There is no escaping his evil and I am engaged in a constant battle against it.  

25 minutes and counting till their return.   They will be getting one full week's break from him until their next dinner date.  Thank heaven for small favors!



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how a 7 yo copes
« Reply #20 on: March 29, 2005, 07:42:16 PM »
Hi, this article was really helpful and informative for me...

II. The Conflictive Posture

Contrary to its name, the conflictive posture is actually about avoiding conflict by minimizing contact and insisting on boundaries. It is about refusal to accept abusive behavior by demanding reasonably predictable and rational actions and reactions. It is about respect for you and for your predilections, preferences, emotions, needs, and priorities.

I know it feels overwhelming, I can soooo relate to that.
When I went thru my divorce I got a "junkyard bulldog" lawyer who played really tough. I told him some really nasty embarrassing things about NH. He said these would come out in court unless I got sole guardianship. So I have more say in what happens with my baby girl.

The best thing you can do is love em love em and love em some more... and it sounds like you are doing a great job with that.
God's peace,


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how a 7 yo copes
« Reply #21 on: March 29, 2005, 07:54:08 PM »

Actually, I have been very blue the last few days and find myself wishing him FOREVER!! I know that it's not a reality and not very Christian like but I can't stand his insanity.

I bet there isn't a person here who hasn't felt the same way.

I don't get the CS thing. If he has a maximum number of visitation days already, isn't the CS already set according to that?  :?

Since the end of the last week and the beginning of this week I have received an onslaught of correspondence from his attorney and from him.

What's your lawyer doing, picking his/her nose? :? Is your lawyer agressive enough? Is there something your lawyer can do to put him on defense. Maybe seek an INCREASE in CS?
For me, I found the depression really increased as I sat there catching all the bombs instead of throwing them. Maybe chucking a few legal spears his way would brighten things up. It might constrain his behavior a little too.
Of course anything you do effects your kids, so its easy to give advice, but a lot harder to do what's best for the little ones.
Praying for you. The prospect of court is no fun, throw in an N and you have a recipe for migraines. :roll:




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how a 7 yo copes
« Reply #22 on: March 29, 2005, 09:57:23 PM »
delphine said:
He said these would come out in court unless I got sole guardianship.

I envy you.  You are so lucky! But your daughter is even luckier.

Thanks for the link.

Mud said:
I don't get the CS thing. If he has a maximum number of visitation days already, isn't the CS already set according to that?  

The Judge denied his request for a decrease in CS back in October.  However, he thinks that because he is now actually exercising visitation that he will go back and say, "Hey I'm putting in more time...give me a credit".

What's your lawyer doing, picking his/her nose?  Is your lawyer agressive enough? Is there something your lawyer can do to put him on defense. Maybe seek an INCREASE in CS?

Actually my lawyer is pretty good.  I had told him that I would handle X N and his attorney for the time being since it is just a summer visitation schedule that needs to be hashed out.  Predictiably, X N is turning it into a long drawn out process and he is refusing to compromise.  Unfortunately, I made the mistake of letting him know of a preplanned vacation with the kids...and you guessed it.....he wants the same two weeks even though he has no plans and has the rest of the summer to work with.  He is now threatening to take me back to court etc.  Of course it is all BS but the back and forth is wearing me down.  The vampire won't stop sucking the life blood out of me.

I'll probably have my attorney start back up again.  He already fired off a letter last week regarding X N's contempt of court.  I guess that was the bomb that started this new little battle.

Good news is that the kids returned from the visit and were very chatty about all they did with Dad.  It sounded like he was Disney Dad which is fine with long as the two little ones are happy..I'm happy.

Thanks for the prayers and good thoughts.   :)



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how a 7 yo copes
« Reply #23 on: March 31, 2005, 11:19:02 AM »
Mia: my ex (the evil twin to your evil twin ex) is back at it as well (legal stuff).  They never quit.
I am happy your kids fared well this past weekend.  What those guys don't and won't ever get, is that our focus is our kids, how they are feeling...and not the idiot anymore..but they think we are all about them, always. geeeesh.  A sad fact of life, I guess.
I've decided to be happy anyway, and guess what.......the happier I am, the more he loses it.  It occured to me that it's probably the reason your ex is such a train wreck now.  Funny how that works, huh?
Hang in there, sending you all kinds of positive power!


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how a 7 yo copes
« Reply #24 on: March 31, 2005, 01:06:33 PM »
mum said:
.......the happier I am, the more he loses it. It occured to me that it's probably the reason your ex is such a train wreck now. Funny how that works, huh?

You are right on the money with that one.  His wrath has worsened since I remarried.  Since then he feels he lost "control" over me and the kids.  
The last two days have been quiet but I know he is gearing up for something.  

My kids will have a two week break from him since the second half of Spring break is mine and the following weekend is my regular weekend with them and X N will also be traveling and will miss his weekday dinner date with them.  HIP HIP HOORAY!!!  If we're lucky, he won't be returning. :wink:   Unfortunately, this N will probably live to a ripe old age.

BTW, How much notice does your XN have to give you for what weeks he is planning on taking in the summer?  

Hope your kids are doing well.