I've written a few posts, but haven't come clean with my experience. Ndad,
wonderful mother who passed away this past July. Since mom passed, my sis and I have been responsible for Ndad, who has made an art out of "N"ness. Health, financial, housework, laundry, cooking, shopping, dr. appointments, you name it. we take care of it for him, according to his exacting standards, most of which are wrong because of the problems he's having with his head.
Problem: he's showing some very significant cognitive/memory deficits, similar to alzheimer's/dementia. We finally got him to hire a caregiver to be in the house with him, cook, do light housekeeping, laundry, drive him to some appointments, grocery shop, etc. Now, after 3 1/2 weeks, he's wanting to back out on the caregiver thing - thinks it's too expensive and is going to leave him poverty stricken! Nothing is further from the truth!
We finally got him to agree to see a neurologist, had a MMSE, EEG, and CAT scan, along with blood work - have an appointment next Tues., for the results. He still insists he can drive, will not see an attorney to file mom's will or get his own financial situation organized. Sis and I have no legal standing - no POA, NOTHING! And yet he wants us to write all his biills, reorganize his financial stuff, just about everything you can think of. Only problem is, as soon as we start to help him, he hangs over our shoulder and tells us we are WRONG, WRONG, WRONG! He'll tell us how to do things, but what he says makes no sense whatsoever, and it's impossible to proceed, so......of course, all 3 of us totally blow up!
Started on about a 3 week cycle, then went to 2 weeks, now it's at least once a week, maybe more, that he totally verbally/emotionally abuses us because we're not "paying enough attention to him" and "deliberately not helping him out, which will cost him in the long run" (we're supposedly leaving him in a delicate financial decision, which is NOT true!). He will not see his attorney, will not hire anyone to take care of his doctor/medicare bills which are so far in arrears and so much of a mess we can't do a thing with them.
Ok, I've read much on this board that is helpful, but I'm also facing a fairly serious situation with my 15 year old son right now, which will demand lots of my physical and emotional attention. I also have two other teenage boys, and since I was spending almost all day every day at my folks' when my mom was dying, then went right to taking care of dad, these kids haven't really had a mom.
I know I have to deal with this, he's not going to change, I have to change. I am just soooooooo tired, I can't even find a starting place. Everything I read makes perfect sense, I just don't have the energy to put it into practice.
If I didn't have the memory of my mom reminding me that I should do the best I can with dad, I swear I'd change my phone #, and never visit him or have anything to do with him ever again. He's that toxic (and I know it's my responsibility to learn how to deal with the toxicity, but I'm exhausted). I wait every day for his call, sometimes several a day, altho I do screen them, and he's the first thing on my mind when I wake up (if I've been able to get to sleep, that is), and the last thing on my mind when I *try* to sleep.
I don't expect any solutions, things just came to a head tonight with him on the phone, and I just had to blow off some steam, and I knew you all would understand.
Thanks for listening to my rant - think I'll go out and get some cheese to go with that "whine" now.....
Hey, does anyone need a slightly used Ndad? I've got one, looking for a nice home for him, giving him away FREE!!!!!!!!!
I just wish I had more strength, I think I'm just about at the end of my rope, seriously, and I have no idea what to do the next time he goes off on me. The thing that really hurts me the worst - mom died July 7, and because I've played Ndad's game so well, I haven't even had the chance to mourn her or cry for her...there's just too much "stuff" bottled up in my gut from him, and I'm so afraid to touch her memory - I think I might lose it and never come back. I know it's my fault for not modifying my behavior, but...I don't think I'll ever forgive Ndad for being so demanding that I can't even access memories of mom...just not forgivable.
Thanks for listening (reading) - I wish you all well on your personal journeys.
PS: Spent a sleepless night last night, have to take Ndad to a doctor's appointment to check on his defibrillator (which he ignored for 4 years and now is an EMERGENCY!) Takes an hour to get to the hospital, then sit there with him, then an hour back...I am so sick of this...yesterday I told my sister, "you know, I just don't WANT him anymore!" That's the truth, but...we're his only family, and he has to be taken care of somehow...I truly hate this whole situation.