The point is nobody knows....
hi all, i guess this might be off topic but i think its good to discuss ethical issues, it gives people a chance to define their values, and find out more about themselves, and i think debate is healthy if its respectful. it helps people exercise their thought processes and find out more about themselves. so this is just for purposes of healthy debate.
that said, this above was my only point as well. i just dont think anybody really knows. my opinions arent based on emotion at all, or the media; and im also not assuming her parents or husband are 'n' or not.
my 'angle' is that, nobody knows. nobody has proven that i have seen, with scientific fact of any sort, (and scientific fact would be my standard, not emotion), that people in 'persistent vegetative state' cannot feel or experience in a way we would consider meaninful. until someone goes into one and comes out and tells us what its like, i dont think its a determination we can scientifically make. to me its speculation, as to 'what they experience'.
its just too convenient to treat them like they dont experience, because you know, they cant stand up for themselves. i just dont feel comfortable with that type of determination. i dont think its scientifically sound.
to think about this from another angle, what if the husband had been receiving money of some type for keeping her *alive*, for instance social security payments or insurance settlement? if he received $2000 a month to keep terri *alive*, do you think his decisions would have been different? would the medical determinations have been 'different'? i am not attached to outcome or any particular angle, i just see value in exploring ethical questions. im not interested in labeling anyone as evil. i jsut like exploring peoples motivations. the reality is, hospital care *is* expensive. *someone* has to pay for it.
dont mean to talk aobut something people dont want to, i really dont think there is any 'n' angle here, to me its more an issue of denying voice.
take care all :} i like to think about stuff. dont mind me :}