Good Morning Everyone:
I'm not going to ask you a whole series of questions about your family that you may not be comfortable in discussing, so I am not too sure why I even posted, except to say, Hi GFN. Good morning.
Thankyou Mudpuppy and Good morning the next day back at ya!!
You gave me a good giggle so drop in and post away, whenever the urge hits!! And read on because you might be surprised about something I have in common with our sister, Brigid!!
Bunny wrote:
I don't know if this is about your parents or not, but it seems your unconscious feels you've been cheated, exploited, manipulated and intruded upon.
Well, I certainly feel that way so you could very well be right accurate there in interpreting what this dream is trying to say or release or whatever it is that it is doing.
I've been having great dreams lately but I can't remember a single one of them. If I do, I will report back.
Eagerly waiting in anticippppppppppation.
I used to think that not remembering my dreams meant that I was repressing a bunch of stuff or maybe it's a sign of discomfort (or maybe it's a sign of comfort???

)? I used to sleep really soundly and wake up refreshed. Now, that these strange dreams are emerging......maybe it's a sign of emotional turmoil and purging or maybe there's something wrong with me? I don't sleep soundly any more and I toss and turn a lot. I'm not sure at all if it's a good thing, or not so good to have all these dreams?

But it seems like it's helping me to get them out.....which must sound really odd?
Mum wrote:
I woke this morning not remembering my dream but knowing something wonderful was fortold...that was cool!
This seems like you are really positive and healthy from the inside out, Mum!! Glad to hear about any lovely dream you have!!
My fiance is a "vivid" dreamer. Dead people talk to him, numbers come to him (he has won lotterys using them....not the big one yet, though). Lots and lots of his sleeping dreams come true later on.
That used to be the only time I remembered my dreams......when they would come true. I hated it. It was awful. I seemed to dream about all of the bad stuff before it happened and there was nothing I could do about it. There were times when I woke up and had to really fight to get out of bed because of the severe dread.....which would end up being too appropriate.

I'm glad those dreams seem to have vanished. I hope they stay away. I don't want to know what bad things are going to happen (although sometimes I think it was some warn prepare me for the shock to come)???
Mia asked:
Are you experiencing any anxiety over financial matters?
No I'm not. We're not rich but we're survivng comfortably. I don't worry about money and even when things were much worse financially, I didn't worry about it. I guess I just worked hard and expected things to get better and they did.
Some of my dreams come true as well. Not many, usually about 2-3 per year. The ones that do are very vivid. The last one involved my best friend's Mom getting into a car accident. It's weird.
Yes it is and thankyou for posting this because I would never have had the courage, otherwise, to post about my dreams coming true. It feels good to know that someone else has had these types of experiences. Maybe I'm not coo-coo afterall??
As to your X falling off the face of the earth.......ya why not? And maybe he could take a few other abuser types with him!! Now that would be more than cool!!
I looked up one site that interprets dreams. It is interesting and entertaining, as you say, to look into this and heaven knows I need some interesting entertainment now and then. Thanks Mia.
Delphine wrote:
Is there some business venture or career move that you are just dying to try but feel you can't succeed at?
Well......there is something I've thought about some but haven't really put into plan or action but it doesn't have anything to do with nature or the earth . Come to think of it.....that might be something to integrate into the idea. Thanks Delphine! Don't know if I'll ever do it but maybe??
Brigid wrote:
Lately, however, he has come into my dreams as someone standing on the sidelines watching my life that I pay no attention to.
Maybe this is your brains way of telling you that you are gradually separating emotionally from him? He's just in the side lines now where before....he was right in your face....causing you grief??? Just a guess.
Mudpuppy, I did have a dream one night that you were in. Interestingly enough, and I am not making this up, you were covered in mud and rolling in a puddle (but in human form).
No kidding......I had a similar dream!!! I'm serious!!!

Mudpuppy was rolling around and laughing and having a wee of a time in the mud!!! (You had really big any brother of mine would......that stuck out on the sides, Mudpuppy!!

Scary, isn't it?
I would never have had the guts to tell anyone I had a dream about Mudpuppy! Thanks for posting this Brigid!!
And I'm so glad you're back!! I hope you had a lovely holiday!!! (sorry if you've posted about it elsewhere. I haven't had much time to read here lately).
Oh......Mudpuppy!!! Salamanders aren't so disgusting!! They're actually kinda cute.....once you get used to them!! I didn't know there was one called a Mudpuppy so ....what else is new???

You keep teaching me stuff I need to know. Thanks!!!
October wrote:
The only person who is winning from this set up is your parents; they end up owning both you and your image/profession/status in the world.
I think you're interpretation is the closest to mine (after I thought about this dream a lot yesterday....more to follow).
It sounds as if you feel that they own you, or at least that they believe that they own you, and that therefore you are in debt to them. Not just a bit of debt, but 25 years of debt - effectively a lifetime. And they are doing this to others as well, not just you. Maybe anyone they can find.
This is getting really close to it, I think. Thanks October for your thoughts.
I have to let puppy (my puppy not you, brother) out for a little run now but I will respond to page 2 when I get back.
Thank you all for taking the time to post and for sharing your thoughts and some of your dreams! Dreams are very interesting, to say the least eh?