Anna, I know from my own experience how important it is to get your anger and rage under control. It needs to be channeled into productive action so the outcome is good, rather than just bursting out when they provoke you. As long as you react to them by being angry, they will be in control of your behavior and always able to push your buttons. Then your own behavior starts to back up their claims. All of this is easy to say and pretty easy to understand, but very, very hard to do. Detaching and choosing my own reaction has helped me immensely.
i started a new thread with this, becuase its something ive been wanting to ask about anyway. this was in response to something i wrote in another post, about feeling angry at the horribly disrespectful things being done right now to myself and much worse an innocent child. whats going on makes me furious, but comments like the one above, even though they were well meant and sincere, really upset me.
becuase, it invalidates, even unintentionally, (so thats why im not holding it against you longtire

> (im not upset with you, its just a sore spot) who i am as a person. thank you however for giving me the opportunity for a nice soul-cleansing rant, and also to bring up a topic ive been thinking about which is the value of validating anger to heal.
im not upset with longtire as a person or what he said, becuase i think hes a fine person and meant it well, and theroetically, i also agree with his viewpoint.
HOWEVER. that being said - you make a lot of assumptions that it applies to me, and i want to say honestly it makes me feel very insulted, and its a very sore spot for me, because im just tired of getting crap thrown at me i dont deserve. for one, =who says= im reacting inappropriately? =who says= my behavior has been inappropriate? i do NOT deserve the crap they have thrown at me, and i wont own it, and i wont let anyboy convince me that i should. (yes im mad, but this is a rant remember! )
i have NEVER lost my temper with them, never cursed, never yelled, never once, no matter how they provoke. it insults me deeply, to be called inappropriate, even in passing, when all im doing is feeling a perfectly natural feeling, that of wanting to rip these people to shreds for hurting my child, and -still- exhibiting self-control that mother teresa could learn from. i do NOT react inappropriately to these feelings, and i doubt many people could show the self control that i have under these circumstances. my behavior has NOTHING TO DO with what they think about me. i learned that at age 3. it wouldnt matter what i did or didnt do. my 'faults' EXIST IN THEIR MIND AND THEIR MIND ONLY, AND I WONT OWN IT.
constant invalidation of my entirely appropriate feelings, (done constatnly by my parents and way too many other people which is why im really not liking it) which i =am= channeling and expressing in a completly appropriate way, despite pressure that im sure many people would probably not be able to withstand, is =constant= salt in this wound.
certainly nobody can say, my feelings are inappropriate. a pereson cannot control their feelings, and should not. to tel them they should, is to deny them their validity as a human being. a person can only choose their reactions to their feeligs, and the choices they make as a result of their feelings.
my actions, attitude, and outlook continue to be positive and productive DESPITE constant disrespect and provocation - and direct violation of my maternal instinct which any mother knows, brings up fury like no other - no matter what they try to force down my throat or make me own. i wont own it. it isnt mine. its THEIRS. my anger is normal, its healthy, its honest, its real, its mine, its human, and i =wont= apologise for it, and im really tired of feeling lectured about it and having people just assume somehow im doing somethign wrong.
i *know* your comment was meant to be kind and helpful, and it was good advice too... but, this has just been hurting me for so long, i just cant take it anymore, feeling blamed for being the target of abuse. it isnt my problem. it just isnt. i just wont take it.... its not mine.. i wont take it.. what i could use a lot more, is VALIDATION. the #1 reason this will not heal, 9/10 of my problem, is constant continual and total invalidation of my feelings.
i have learned you get what you need by asking. so, there it is. this is a -really- realy really really sore spot for me right now.
im interested to know others experience, with validation and anger. i know our abusers will never validate us. but that doesnt mean we still cant use it.
thank you, please dont take personally longtire - you just hit a reeally bad nerve,
d's mom