Dear Anna,
My heart goes out to you in this nightmarish struggle. I remember how terrified I was when my NXH started plans to sue for custody. Your strength is admirable... hang in there for ALL of us; I want to believe that I'd have your fortitude and perserverance if I were in your shoes.
oh, im soooo so glad you didnt have to go through that.....! its a level of Dante's hell... you guys are so amazing. my stress has gone down by a ton these last few days, i feel a million percent less crazy readng about you all and what you have gone through, and what you say to each other. ..
there are actually other humans that know what im talking about. almost cant believe its real. if i do hang in (which i will) finding this place is going to help a heck of a lot.
to me theres no choice really.... as long as she is still a child, theres still time. raised my child free, broke the cycle of abuse, did it on purpose, wont let him poison the kid. over my dead body type of thing.
[/quote]How good are you at networking... this ALL hinges on having the right person with the right connections hear your story. What has been your experience (if you are comfortable posting it) with women's advocacy groups? [/quote]
i soo much agree. i bookmarked that link, thank you so much.... actually one of my current plans is to put up a website, so that i can further publicise and attract advocates... gathering resources to do that right now... its been tough mentally, with little support, but im getting more and more and pulling it together. additionally - frontal lobe brain injuries, impair 'executive functioning' which is the ability to plan.... so, i really have an up hill climb.:}
so, learning from the people here, and gathering confidence, will really help me get these plans underway.
i am a good networker, when my confidence is up. theres something im very proud of - so i will mention it: when this happened i called EVERYONE - most groups really didnt want to get involved.... but i did call oregon national organisation for women.... dont know how or why but turns out they get a lot of calls from women losing custody to abusive men... they are such good liars, they get their way in court a lot......
so for some reason, i was the 'hundredth monkey' ;} got referred to the pres of OR NOW, and she gave me my own task force on it. im still the only member! but, i was so proud of that, for an old crazy lady :} since then ive hooked up with other NOW task forces in other states, and recently we brought up a resolution at the national meeting, to form a national committee to address the problem of women losing custody to abusers........ kim gandy, NOW pres, is picking the members this weekend. my task force is the first of its kind in oregon, and this group will be the only national group addressing the subject as well.
im extremely proud of these things. its largely helping others, which is just fine with me. the cant give legal help or anything. but i dont want anyone to go thru this.. slowly i meet people who will also help me, and also, change the system, so that its not so easy for abusers to get custody.
considering i cant even get out of bed lots of days, im awful proud of that. the main challenge is developing my confidence, and lessening the paralysis, which i know being here, will definitely do.
i pray, and visualise, angels, helping me. they are out there rigiht now in the minds of the advocates and lawyers and therapist that are going to help me. i know these helpers are walking around out there, i just haven crossed their path yet. bringing them to me, is my job right now. just keep putting out feelers and telling the story and meeting new people and helping others. and staying healthy and trying not to stress.
being here, has already really been good for my confidence, and my 'voice'. thank you alllllll so much for such a warm reception. feel ive been wandering in the desert too long.
feel like somebody needs to pinch me.... im being understood........!!.