Desperatemom and Guest,
I hope by some way this will make you feel like there is hope for your children to mend their wicked ways. I was not married to a N so my children were not raised in an environment as crazy as that N crap can be. I do not think my children were even exposed to my xhusband and I argueing. No matter what they are or are not exposed to, they just seem to do some things that are rebellious.
My middle daughter is lucky to be alive today. I seriously thought I was going to kill her during age 16-181/2. She was a brat. She called me the C word, I slapped her across her face. Next day 4 cops at my door for child abuse. She stold my x's car, drove 4 other girls on her cheerleading squad to FLORIDA, we are in Indiana. On the way there some other girl was driving, rear ended a brand spanken new Cadilac Escalade, kept on their merry way when some nice guy gave them a ride blah blah blah. Nice guy??? With 5 teenage girls who are built like you would not believe. This nice guy my butt, he could have killed them. I told her one time to lock herself in her room, she asked why, I said for your own safety, Im gonna kill ya.
I could have at times. I mean darn 7 times turned in for child abuse. One was because I would not buy her a $650 dress for a semi-formal. She said I am running away, I said go for it, but you won't come back here when I sick the hounds on your trail. You will go to a girls school and you will then see what child abuse is. She said she hated me, I said girl, at this minute I promise you I have the same feelings but they are 20 times stronger then yours. It took every thing I had within in me to love her during that time. Do not get me wrong, my kids are always loved no matter what they do. Nothing could make me ever stop loving my kids, but at that time, I had to fight myself to remember that. She pushed me and the more she pushed, the more I pushed right back without wavering on my limits and rules set down for her. They need and want limits set by parents but for some reason they buck against them.
She pushed every button I had. She threatened to go live with her dad, I told her it would be a cold day in hell before she would back me in a corner with threats. I also reminded her that if she continued to behave like this, she was out but not to her dads where she would have very little supervision. This went on for a couple of years with her. She would threaten to do this if I didnt do that, it was a constant battle.
I do not know what made me do it but she began to do the routine on me one day and I had just realised I had enough. I told her to pack her crap up she was a goner. I called her dad and said come and get her and I made both of them realise that it was not a revolving door. She left, she was not coming back. My x refused to back me up with discipline during the entire time. I just thought to myself buddy have at it, best of luck.
It wasnt two weeks and she called to tell me how sorry she was and wanted to come home. I told her she made her bed and she was going to have to lay in it. Every thing you do has reprocussions and I knew what it was going to take was for her to realise this. I refused to accept that from her.
That is what saved our relationship. Until she learned how to respect me I would not allow her to upset the entire house. I really thought that her and I would never be able to spend an hour together let alone become as close as we had been before her bossy days. Well I was pleasantly surprised, our relationship is better that before. She also told me the other day that she hopes when she gets married she has all boys.
My response to her is that I hoped she had one little girl so she could then realise how special it is as a mother to watch her little girl turn into such a wonderful woman. Then I stated I wished she had triplets and they were all girls and the paybacks would begin. I got up and hugged her and said but I wouldnt trade ya for the world, even back then I wouldnt have either, but I sure did think of giving you away to a pack of wolves.
It does get better with these girls. For some reason it seems that this is happening more each day. We are not alone on that fact. I have heard it over and over again. I do not know what the other childrens home lives were like, but I can honestly say that my kids had a great childhood, great parents who worked to raise the kids as a team despite our divorce. So my daughter had no predetermining factors. I just think that times have changed and so have the kids.
Chins up, before you know it you will like those kids again. I didnt think it would ever come, but reflecting back, the years with her have flown by to fast. Blink and they are grown.