Author Topic: Is this NPD?  (Read 2720 times)


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Is this NPD?
« on: November 05, 2003, 09:30:39 PM »
I would like to know if what I am having to deal with from this person is. Do you think she has NPD. She is my MIL. Here are just a few of the things.

1. She had broken both her arms and she needed help to pretty much do everything. My FIL and I took care of her. My FIL was blind at that time.
She was very bored (3rd after breaking her arms) and said that if she couldatleast hold a book, she could have read. I suggested that she could ask him to hold her book and she could read that way. Then he could hold his newspaper and she could read for him. She immediately screamed at me. In such an arrogant and very angry tone, she said, "If I want I will read my stuff. Why should I read his?" He was totally blind and was craving to read the headlines atleast.
This after his job gave her the status she craved for and the riches she wanted.

2. When he was blind, she was so upset about what it meant for her as a person. She never helped him. She said that cooking for him was more than enough. She told me that, people say about her that she is the blind man's wife and she is ashamed. (It did not matter that he would be called blind)

3. Her daughter called her and told her that she had split up with her husband and cried away, without yet giving any reason for the split or an explanation of what happened. Then she had hung up. She had had a very hard time  evn telling her that. She had waited quite a while before even this communication. My MIL knew I had known about it. She called me and I rushed home. Her first sentence to me (the first to talk to her after the phone call with her daughter) was "What will people say about me now?" She did not ask how is she? What happened? Her only concern was for herself. She has shown that many many times.

4. When she had broken her arms, a friend of hers visited her. My MIL threw up quite a few times. Even though I went to help her (She was living with us then), the friend asked me to attend to house work as I had been with the MIL at the hospital the whole day and there was a lot of work piled up. The friend cleaned her and washed her clothes every time. A couple of weeks later my MIL tells me that back home she would not even look at the faces of such people even if she saw them on the road. Having come here she is forced to be with them. My MIL considers that money is everything. Poor are low class people not worth talking to. This friend was much more rich than my parents. This has hit me so hard that I am unable to move beyond that even after some years.

5. When she was talking to someone, she suddenly found that that person was not from a prestigious school, so she immediately said "I thought you were from XXX (a prestigious school), you are not ? !!!" She immediately stopped the conversation and never spoke to that person again the whole time of that party at her house. (By the way she has not attended any great school. Her husband has a PH. D. But she has a BS from an ordinary school.)

6. She always feels every one has to do whatever she wishes.

7. She is extremely jealous.

8. She always puts down everyone.

9. She lies incessantly and even says that does not matter.

10. She treats people like dirt and uses every one.

11. Life is always about her for her.

There is so much more, but as I really have to go I will stop it.

Please tell me if this is NPD.



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Is this NPD?
« Reply #1 on: November 06, 2003, 09:53:20 PM »
All kidding aside, you seem to have walked in on one bonafide, certifiable N..mind you women are usually mostly Histrionic..but in this case, your MIL is certainly exhibiting all the fixins of a Narcissistic Person!!
Please for your own health, read all the articles on this board and learn to protect yourself and your family.  The haughtiness must get to you after a while, i find this characteristic the most unbearable really makes the receiving person angry and the related ones embarrassed.
I feel sorry for you..but there is hope.  Learn about the disorder and learn to manoeuvre safely through it..remember if you change YOUR perspective right now, you will spare yourself alot of grief.  Know that it is possible to love and understand the afflicted..with alot of work..lots of work actually..perhaps you will succeed.
In any case I wish you much much luck in your endeavour.
signed, Nic..( sorry couldn't log in properly!)