Hi Holly,
I wanted to reply to you because people on this site have been,( and still are being,) absolutely my greatest help in getting over a romantic relationship.In my case I had a five-year relationship with a guy, which ended in Jan 2004, and I started posting here in January I think, of this year, because I still could not 'get over' it.
I am so familiar with that feeling you have of 'enough already,' where you are so sick of rehashing everything but can't stop. I agree with Bunny that it is much more difficult to come to terms with the end of an N relationship, and therefore it takes longer too. I've been processing all this stuff for over a year now, and I think it's difficult because there are two separate things to get your head round: First, the shock of how the r/ship ended. We don't expect the person we felt so close to, to give us a kick in the teeth as a parting gift, by apparently not giving a damn when it's over.
Second, as we begin to get over the shock of the ending, we begin to realise that there's another increasingly plausible interpretation of the whole r/ship, and that perhaps what we thought was happening in it (somebody loving us as we loved them,) was not the reality. This is another enormous shock which I think takes a long time to work through.
I also feel that if you are drawn to reading books on the subject,you should.I have found that some of the books have been sad to read but very enlightening, because until reading them I had assumed that my ex was working from the same emotional principles as me. His behaviour doesn't make a lot of sense EXCEPT as part of a disorder,and he is still marching around in my head a lot of the time, which I feel is another sign that he was exerting some kind of sick hold over me.
Holly, I'm sorry that you are having such horrible dreams.Shortly after the break-up I was having similar dreams, and they hurt very much. I think that as you start to recover, your dreams will change.
So the bad news is that it may take you a while to feel better. The GOOD news is that you certainly will feel better, and that this site is a great place to be now that you are on the way there!