Hi October and all:
"When adults stop being infants, children can be children."Such an interesting quote, isn't it?
Ofcourse, adults that behave as infants probably aren't even aware that they are doing that, are they? So they probably won't stop.
I'm glad the quote doesn't say: "When adults stop being children...." or I'd be lost.
I think there is a little child that lives in all of us and it is a good thing. It helped me to be able to play with my kids and to get into "their world" a bit. They liked it when I liked kid stuff--like play dough and leggo.
I enjoyed myself too (like a big kid!!). It was good quality time for all of us.
I doubt I'm the only one who lets their "kid" out once in awhile?
But "being infant"...tells me it is total depennnnndance, helplesssssness, cryyyyying to get needs met, neeeeeeeeeeeeeding great amounts of guessssssing to determine thier needs, sleeeeeeeeping through much of life, having evvvvvverything done for them, etc stuff like that that is meant, maybe?
I missed part of my childhood because of that infancy in my parents. Not in a concrete/material sense but in an emotional way. So ya....it's a good quote that says a lot to me.
(((((((((October))))))))) Thanks for posting and getting me to think some.
Hope you are doing well!!