**Caution: Diatribe follows. I thought I was going to present a calmly drawn picture of my workplace, and wow look what came out of the woodwork. This is not aimed at anyone here, it's just a spontaneous rant. Thanks, Top_Witch, for givimg me a leader in to this, it's obviously something I really!!! needed to unload.**
I used to have much friendlier interactions with colleagues, but all of the folks I really got on well with ended up disgusted at the way they were being treated, one way and another, and have left. I helped quite a few of them make that decision, too, and I actually helped one get away... but I've been stranded here by a string of catastrophes (you do not go on job interviews when you are tube-feeding a sick animal to save its life [ it worked]... or when you are homeless from being stalked, and living in a bud's back room).
I'm fairly sure the powers that be are aware that I've encouraged my pals to get out, but I haven't noticed them treating their excellent (responsible, committed) employees any better as a consequence. Presently, the office is deserted most days - anyone who can work at home is doing so as much as possible, and a lot of folks have switched to part time if they have a spouse. It's pretty obvious that nobody likes being there, or they'd be there, wouldn't they... but the idea of making it a more pleasant place to be, by treating one another with courtesy, never seems to occur to 'em.
I have experienced remarkable rudeness in a number of different work settings, but nothing like the things I routinely encounter where I am now. Even the people I tend to get along with treat me like a piece of furniture half the time. Whew! End of tirade. Thanks, y'all, for listening.