Hi there.
I don't know if this is the right place to ask this, but I really need some advice. My sister is intelligent and attractive and she used to have a lot of frienfs til a few yrs ago she came back from college and totally lost it. She was having some sort of crisis, she was tierd and smoking (she never used to smoke) all the time, not looking for work. She moved out of the house and started living with an old school friend and just stayed insane! She never called, she never visited, she was on a different planet!
Then she moved in with a new boyfriend, still not working just sitting around drinking and smoking. She always used to be a hard worker at school and stuff, so we didn't get it. She just kept on blaming this old school friend for mistreating her, and tp be fair when we did see her when she was still living there she did look pretty bad. I know she was ashamed of herself for having the meltdown in the first place (she doen't believe things like that should happen to her!), but she's still acting all distant and wierd, and she says one thing and then does something else and I'm not sure the guy she's with is good for her. But whenever we try to help she freezes us out, and she's still living on welfare! No one seems able to get through to her, it's like she won't stop living in the past or something.
She used to be pretty demanding at the best of times, but she used to care, I know she did. Now she doesn't even care about herself. Any advice?