Author Topic: additive and or complusive relationship  (Read 2022 times)


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additive and or complusive relationship
« on: May 11, 2005, 09:13:24 AM »
could anyone give me a discription of what an additive realtionship is?
What is the difference when some says 'you are complusive in your relationship"
How can you tell you love the person,and just care verses being "addictive"?
Are there signs that the realtionship is addictive and or complusive??
Thank you for all your answers..


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additive and or complusive relationship
« Reply #1 on: May 11, 2005, 09:59:28 AM »
In a nutshell, I don't think there's much difference between an addictive and a compulsive relationship. Here are some (not all) of the signs:

--- Person knows relationship has serious fundamental problems, may be miserable in relationship, but feels panicky and desperate at the thought of ending it. Knows that intolerable withdrawal symptoms would follow a breakup.

-- Person feels addicted to partner, no matter how bad the relationship is. Cannot tolerate thought of not being in relationship with this specific person.

-- Person sacrifices far too much of themselves in the relationship, and/or allows themselves to be taken advantage of, rationalizes it as "caring" or "love."

-- Person tolerates cheating, lying, abuse, substance addictions, etc., in their partner and can't tolerate ending the relationship.

-- Person does break up multiple times with partner, keeps going back.



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additive and or complusive relationship
« Reply #2 on: May 11, 2005, 11:28:47 AM »
Wildrain, everything bunny wrote applies to my marriage. :( I am separated at the moment, thank God!  I don't know how everything will work out for me in the end, but at this point I have absolutely NO desire to go back to my wife at all.  I had a LOT of back and forth and flip-flopping panic attacks getting this far "out" of the relationship.  Ultimately for me, it was and is fear of abandonment/rejection/death left over from my childhood with emotionally absent and neglectful parents.  Dealing with my childhood legacy (as much as I have so far) has been the primary thing which allowed me to take this huge step of separating.  In the past, I have had addictive relationships both with "romantic" partners as well as "friends."  I think that being aware of and acknowledging the underlying fears and issues is the way to stop this pattern of relationships.

- The only thing that was ever really wrong with me was that I used to think there was something wrong with *me*.  :)


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more questions
« Reply #3 on: May 12, 2005, 10:09:05 AM »
Thank you so much for your answers
You have all been very helpful
I have a few more questions...and i do apprecate all your help in this nightmarish time i am having right now in my life.
Why do i feel better when i do not see my N b/f? If we are together i seem to want to be with him more,and want to get close to him.i think of him more and hate to leave his side but I feel sad and lonely, when we are together ialways feel so badly .(Even  if we are not fighting,and he is making me laugh)  He is distant (most of the time) cannot be affectionate and seems put out if he is (or if i ask) When i stay away (usally due to being busy and or because i do not wish to see him) then i feel so much better. I do become "upset" when he is the one controlling the situation,when i am i feel fine. I know that he becomes scared when i start to not come around, but then when i do he compalins endlessly how much time he "gives" me and how "busy" he is (No more busy then me or anyone else but cannot manage his time at all) I know he is a N.he has all the traits and he has had no close relationships with any women and really no intimate realtionships with friends I cannot figure why i get so scared when he is the one backing away,yet feel like i do not care when i am the one staying away (due to my choice,though i make up exuses to him because if i do not it will turn into a fight)
Since i feel better when i am not around him does this mean i am  addictied to the relationship? Why do i still mss him but feel better away from him?
I was raised by a N mother (who i cannot still be around and now that i have moved i see very little of) and i have a N brother,Grandmother and think i had a N great Grandfather from what i have heard.
I know that i still have very deep feelings for my b/f. I have known him 5 years (He has beocme somewhat better toward me in that time) But i still feel so sad around him and the fact that he cannot let himself get close to me or be the one to be affectionate. Is this saddnes because of him or am i feeling sad for the horrible mother /daughter realtionship i have had ? I was abused by my dad and felt i was unloved and ignored in my family (only girl) I know i was always thinking my parents were crazy,even from a young age and i always had to "take care" of my mother (she was like a depresed child)

Thank you for the thoughts and your answers. You have shared your pain with others and in doing so it has helped me to understand my pain
Prayers to all of you ~


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additive and or complusive relationship
« Reply #4 on: May 12, 2005, 11:52:03 AM »
hey wildrain: :}

i just want to mention something ive learned studying mind control. before i knew anything about narcissism i did a lot of resesarch on cults and mind control, becuase i felt i had been 'brainwashed' by people in my life. (it was true).

i learned a lot about the way cults gain control over and maintain control over other peoples thoughts, emotions, and behavior, even against a persons will and all logical thought.

there are real techniques for doing this that are very similar to abusive relationships - imtermittent reinforcement, wearing down the persons self image, maintaining control over the persons outside relationships and environment, and others. it is very very similar to a cult. and one thing that cult people refer to continuously is the drug-like nature of exposure to their cult. the feeling of being with their controllers is described as =intoxicating= and extremely addictive.  

many cult survivors mention this intoxication as one of the things that made it most difficult for them to break away from the cult, and one of the aspects that outside people have the most difficult time understanding when they try to describe it.

i personally feel that the intense insecurity that can be felt when thinking about leaving some of these abusive relationships  is very similar to the anxieties people feel when they are trying to break away from a cult, becuase ones behvior and thoughts have been molded and affected in very similar ways.

even if it isnt verbally said, its often implied strongly that you will be nothing without that person, that you wil never find someone better, that noone else will want you, (reinforced with feelings left over from your growing up years) and these are all techniques to undermine your self confidence and create dependency so you will remain in the unhealthy relationship. cult recruiters are trained to do this, but abusers and n's seem to just have an instinct. :(   most people dont recognise this as brainwashing and behavior/mind control, but thats exactly and precisely what it is.

so this is just a long way of saying that just becuase you feel strongly drawn to something doesnt mean its something that is actually something good for you..... it can be addictive and intoxicating for some very negative reasons and if you actually feel better without him - i would trust that feeling........ and not the 'intoxication' you get in his presence, which is more a function of his manipulating you, to my mind.

this was a thought i had when you mentioned the 'addictive' thing. dont know if it will be helpful. sorry this is happening for you. hope you can get away and find something that feels better for you. ive been in some negative but very addicting relatoinships and i know it took some efffort to unstick.  
take care
d's mom


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Re: more questions
« Reply #5 on: May 12, 2005, 02:44:09 PM »
Quote from: wildrain
Since i feel better when i am not around him does this mean i am  addictied to the relationship? Why do i still mss him but feel better away from him?

You feel better away from him because he has a disease and is unhealthy.  Unfortunately, N seems to be a disease that affects the people around more than it affects the carrier.

Quote from: wildrain
I know that i still have very deep feelings for my b/f. I have known him 5 years (He has beocme somewhat better toward me in that time) But i still feel so sad around him and the fact that he cannot let himself get close to me or be the one to be affectionate. Is this saddnes because of him or am i feeling sad for the horrible mother /daughter realtionship i have had ? I was abused by my dad and felt i was unloved and ignored in my family (only girl) I know i was always thinking my parents were crazy,even from a young age and i always had to "take care" of my mother (she was like a depresed child)

wildrain, you MUST be getting something from him to keep going back.  Maybe you don't feel as alone (ignored) around him?  After all, if he is blaming you or he comes looking for you when you have been away too long for him to tolerate, he is definitely not ignoring you.  Maybe you have hope of a good (non-abusive) relationship with a male (father figure) around him?  (Yes, he could give you hope in spite of the actual behavior in the relationship.)  It could be a lot of different things, but you must be getting something on some level.  If you can figure out what you are getting through him, you can figure out a different way to get it that doesn't require his presence.

- The only thing that was ever really wrong with me was that I used to think there was something wrong with *me*.  :)


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additive and or complusive relationship
« Reply #6 on: May 12, 2005, 06:59:21 PM »
Hi Wildrain:

Anothing contributing factor might simply be habit.

You have spent 5 years in a relationship with this person and it is now a part of your life....rather a see this guy and interact.  Even though you feel unhappy around him, you still go around him out of habit.

So......part of breaking away will include partly..some habit breaking techniques.  That is...if you decide to break it off with him.

To borrow some of the stuff from the list Bunny posted:

If you are unhappy, lonely, feel badly around him, then you know there is definately something fundamentally wrong with the relationship.  In a  healthy would feel happy, connected and good around him, most of the time.

If we are together i seem to want to be with him more,and want to get close to him.i think of him more and hate to leave his side

And even though you feel unhappy, lonely, and badly around want to be with him more....hate to leave.  Doesn't this sound a bit like.....
even though I am unhappy, lonely and feel badly when I drink too much alcohol.....whenever I am around it...I want more and more and can't leave it?????  Like an addiction????

I cannot figure why i get so scared when he is the one backing away

Maybe you cannot tolerate the thought of not being in a relationship with him???  Maybe you are afraid of being alone??

He is distant (most of the time) cannot be affectionate and seems put out if he is (or if i ask)

But you sound like a person who would like to be affectionate with your mate, are you?  If so, aren't you sacrificing too much of what's important in a relationship in order to adapt to his needs (lack of needs)?  Aren't you giving too much here?

Are you tolerating any abuse from him?  Emotional possibly?


You deserve much better than this.  Please don't settle for this lonely, empty, unhappy, relationship in which you "always feel bad".

You sound like a very good person who needs love and affection.  You deserve that and much more.  Breaking this habit.....sounds like the healthy thing to do, imo.



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additive and or complusive relationship
« Reply #7 on: May 13, 2005, 03:44:33 PM »
Hi Wildrain,
I don't know if I can say anything that will help you, but I just wanted to tell you that you are not alone,because I experienced those exact same feelings in my relationship,(now ended.)
The feelings you mentioned, that when you are not with him you feel happier, but when you are together you want to be with him more and more;that is EXACTLY how I used to feel. I have no doubt that my r/ship was addictive, and quite possibly yours is too.I wonder if these paradoxical feelings are caused by a battle between self-protectiveness...we feel safe when we are not with them, and they can't hurt us; and the drug -like aspect of things...we have a little of their company, and then we crave more. It's a terrible state to be in, and I really feel for you. Towards the end of my r/ship, as I travelled to meet my ex, I often had a strong urge to turn round and go back home,to protect myself from either the good time I would have with him, or the bad time I would have with him. In the end they both got to be painful.

Wildrain, you may find in the end, that you are in such deep turmoil that one day you know you have to get out of the r/ship, and break the addiction.If you do come to that point, there are wonderful, kind people on this site who will give you tremendous support through it, as they have done to me.

I don't know if this helps at all,but I just wanted to tell you that you are not alone with these confusing feelings.
