anna, there is a character in the tales of king arthur - i'm pretty sure - whose name was Sir Breuce Sans Pitie.
Sir Bruce the Pitiless.
Sound about right?
yes.... exactly. totally.... ironically, he is a cardiologist - a heart surgeon. he slices peoples hearts open all day - physically, and emotionally

one of the things you do in open-heart surgery is stop and start peoples hearts. before surgery you need to actually stop their heart.. and then after surgery you start it again. so its no wonder hes a megalomaniac. what better excuse to think you are 'god' than starting and stopping peoples hearts. it went to his ego.
also 'bruce almighty' defnitely fits. he wore a t-shirt in the 70's that said 'legend in my own mind'.
i put this in the 'unbelievable' thread beuase, it continues to be 'unbelievable'. i wrote that child services had made that visit and werent too hapy with what they found.
well since then, they have straightened up a fair amount with regard to making calls on time, etc. well today, right on time, i got the notice of plane tickets scheduled for her visit this summer. no fuss, no games. unprecedented.
i dont trust them anymore than i would turn my back on a viper - but its very very funny to watch them squirm like this.
i wrote my mother (depressed enabler with head in the sand) and she was very interested that child services had been there. i figured her out today... she is impressed by people with credentials.... thats why she defers to my father even though he screwed her so bad.. the fact that this worker with 'credentials' was out there has her quite interested.
she mentioned she had seen d. recently and she had told her some about her 'alter egos' and being harassed by older boys. she as usual was clueless and has no idea any of this might be abnormal.....
but she mentioned a friend who knows me too, who works with 'at risk kids' and I'm trying to figure out how to get her to impress upon my mother that all this stuff is far from normal and actually signs of dissociation and a bunch of other stuff... my mom trusts her and might listen to this lady if i could show her whats going on.
sooo what this is all going towards is that, it feels like some type of critical mass is finally approaching....
they are -definitely- 'running scared' on some level. it is absolutely fascinating to watch..
he may be sans pitie but he is -not- sans cowardice......
i have an emamil of my mother telling me that when she was in therapy with my father, the therapist told her bruce was 'not a good candidate for therapy' becuase he was likely to 'tell the therapist whatever he wanted to hear' and 'still cling to his maladaptive ways' that sure sounds like a dx of N to me. the little beads are piling up on my side, dammit!@!!!!!!!