ive only had time to peek in today but this was so horrible... i cant believe she is so horrible when you are trying to 'cook' yourself a healthy baby. you ask:
Does it sound nutty of me to say that I think she secretly wishes me ill? Why would she say these really negative things to me, as if she is cursing me? She also talks a lot about all of the things that can go wrong.
Magically the stuff she makes up is negative. I am very upset now, and shaken, but am I right she is secretly wishing me ill? I have thought that about my parents, too, my whole life. Some sort of secret wish to see harm befall me.
i guess i dont think i have to tell you, my 'family' makes up stuff interminably. negative reinforcement. negative projection. negative expectations.
they do have a desire to see others fail, becuase they are soooooo incredibly insecure. if others fail, they get to be the 'rescuer' or play some other role of necessity. if people around them are competent and secure and dont need them, they are faced with their own black hole of emotional worthlessness. they will definitely create crisis if none is there, to meet this 'need to be needed'.
so you ask why??? why does your sister want to say these nasty things that make you feel like crap? this is the mental image i got from your post:
i imagined you and your sister standing together on a balance beam.....
your sister reaches out and gives you a SHOVE. what do you do? you are unbalanced, start flailing around and either fall, or grab onto -her- for support.
i think your sister -does- purposely seek to unbalance you mentally..... by saying frightening or downright mean things..... because if you are emotinally unbalanced, she hopes that you will turn to her for support and she can feel 'needed'. a low down dirty way to do that is to say things that make you afraid, insecure, or in need of 'advice'. if she is lucky, she will make you get so insecure that you will turn to her for support, and she can validate her pathetic measly existence.
i think that is horrendous and im so sorry that you feel upset in any way, when you are trying to be pregnant, please try to put it out of your head and relax..... i know thats easier said than done. but.... geez. ick.!
ick. ick ick. im sorry she made you upset

hope you feel better.