Author Topic: But... it would have been SO easy....  (Read 3473 times)


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But... it would have been SO easy....
« Reply #15 on: April 24, 2005, 07:00:27 PM »
And sometimes that special brand of N-negativity is the gift that keeps on giving...

I was talking to my mother last night about my nephew.  He'll graduate from college in a few weeks.  He's also in the Marine reserves, so of course he could be activated at any time.  But he decided to pursue his ambition to go into soccer coaching.  He actually maneuvered a graduate assistantship in coaching at a small school in the southwest.  Apparently, a graduate assistanship is how you start.  It's how everybody starts.

My mother has been relentlessly negative and down about this decision, and she brands my nephew a failure because of it.  I generally speak up for him.  Last night, I said to my mother, "Look.  I want him to pursue what he wants.  He's young.  He has time.  I think it's great that he's strong enough to do this, even though it's far from home and he'll have no money for years.  I wish I had been strong enough to do the same."

"What do you mean?" she said.

"Don't you remember?" I said.  "When I was a senior in college, I was offered that newspaper job, but I didn't take it because of the money.  I was too afraid that I wouldn't be able to make it."

"You were offered a newspaper job?" she said.

"Yes," I answered.

Silence for a moment.  "Well, it wouldn't have come to anything, anyway," she said.

Now, what I didn't remind her of is that, in fact, I accepted that job.  Then I called home to share my good news, and my mother raked me over the coals until I felt like pulled pork.  She laughed at me, she told me I was ridiculous, she told me that never, no-how and no way, would I be able to make a job like that work out.  After I hung up the phone, I cried for a few hours, then I called them back and said I had thought it over and decided not to take the job.  I was very weak, yes, that's what I did.

That's always been a turning point for me.  Oh, I don't spend a lot of time on it anymore--it was 20 years ago--but I am determined to support any young person I know (read: nephew) in following his or her heart.  I've talked it over with my husband, and we've decided to send the kid a few hundred dollars a month during this assistantship, rather than give him a big graduation present.  It would have made all the difference in the world to me, at one point in my life.

Anyway, this sort of relentlessly negative reinforcement never goes away.


vunil as guest

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But... it would have been SO easy....
« Reply #16 on: April 24, 2005, 07:42:36 PM »
She laughed at me, she told me I was ridiculous, she told me that never, no-how and no way, would I be able to make a job like that work out.

What a bitch.

Excuse my language.

Maybe all of our mothers can start a little phone club where they call each other and insult themselves, thereby leaving us alone.

For what it's worth, daylily, I think you're a great writer.  Any sort of writing you wanted to do, I bet you could do.  And I'm picky  :)


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But... it would have been SO easy....
« Reply #17 on: April 24, 2005, 08:14:13 PM »
:oops: Oh, ((((vunil)))).  Thanks so much.  That means a great deal to me.



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But... it would have been SO easy....
« Reply #18 on: April 24, 2005, 11:10:49 PM »

Wow... what a story. Firstly, i think it is incredible that you are so supportive of your nephew. I'm sure he appreciates so much - not only for the financial support, but more for the emotional message that says "we're behind you, champ".  Gosh, don't you wish every kid in this world got a nice poster on their wall saying that??

I had a similar experience in my youth... I had to make career decisions early, for a number of reasons, and always loved philosophy and english. at 15, I really wanted to study plato. Loved the stuff. Of course, that's not a REAL major. So, I knew I'd have to do something more financially viable... even at 15. Mom had already taught me that I needed to support myself all my life. not end up like her - dependent.

So, I tried a couple of hard sciences. Kept up the philosophy on the side (I have a couple minors... just accumulated that credit) but I never quite made it in bio (mitochondria?) or physics (thermodynamics?). So, on nMom's suggestion, I took up programming. And, suprisingly, I loved it.  Then I got the other side from crazyPop - "that's not a real career!" ... ahh, 1995... before the boom.  

Oh the fights. the battles. the screaming. The very *idea* of pursuing philosophy was unconciencable. I had to fight for engineering!  

But you know what, Day Lily... in the end, many years later, while I'm still a happy Geek, i'm pursuing my artistic and philosophical hobbies happily (and still against their better judgement - surely I should be learning tennis!) ...

while your writing here is VERY much appreciated... do you ever think about doin' a little writing on the side? You certainly have the talent!



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But... it would have been SO easy....
« Reply #19 on: April 25, 2005, 12:06:35 AM »
daylily, I agree with others here about your writing.  It is..... rich.  Dense with meaning, but very easy to read and understand.  It is a pleasure to read what you write. :)

- The only thing that was ever really wrong with me was that I used to think there was something wrong with *me*.  :)