Many of you will remember that my ex was in hospital. C and I visited yesterday and found him very sleepy, incoherent, rambling, unable to feed himself or take his medication, double incontinent, jaundiced, and reporting falls and hallucinations. You name it, really. We took him some sweets, and he couldn't find his mouth with his hand to eat them.
I today phoned and requested the hospital to carry out a brain scan to see whether his cancer has spread, causing him to have the seizures, blackouts, falls, incoherance and memory loss of recent weeks. I even spoke to his sister last night by phone and we seemed to have some meeting of minds, and she agreed with this strategy.
C and I planned to buy him some new slippers and pyjamas, and to take them on our next visit, in either a week or a fortnight.
Tonight I hear that he has discharged himself from hospital, with his parents co-operation, and that they have driven him back to his flat, where he lives on his own. Tomorrow I plan to inform the hospital that in my view he is not mentally competent to discharge himself, and to ask that they inform his GP of my opinion.
Speaking to his dad tonight, he said he doesn't think that ex has cancer at all, because he doesn't know anything about it.

I described the facts as I know them in detail but he kept saying he didn't know anything about it. And I was telling him!!! He couldn't explain the seizures etc at all, but said 'perhaps it was drink'. After thirty years of denying the alcoholism, suddenly maybe that is the better option after all.

And he said ex's N?mum burst into tears when she saw him wanting to go home, but said at the same time she had had enough, and would not have him in her house to look after, because she cannot cope any more. Nice parents.
I am now planning to take my daughter and buy her a ring and me some slippers, instead of anything for her dad. We are both left very emotionally battered and bruised, and feeling totally used. Again.
I dare not even begin to tell my family, because their anger would be incandescent, and all aimed at me.
Trying to repair the damage once again. Meanwhile, ex is dying and I appear to be the only person who can see it. And his parents have taken him home, perhaps to die, and left him there. His dad said they have spring cleaned his flat and he can't want for anything. They plan to visit him in a few days, and go with him to see his GP, perhaps next week.
Sorry to be overdramatic, but this is an unbelievable situation. No idea how to support my daughter through this. What a mess!!!
The whole world has gone mad. Or is it me? Or is it the whole world? Or are we all mad, in one shade of grey or another. Or perhaps life is just a huge practical joke, that one day we will laugh at, when we find out what the punch line is. It had better be good.