If I were God, I'd let you into heaven on that one alone.
Ah yes, but you don't see the very wicked side of me.

D rang last night to tell me that he had discharged himself from hospital,

not remembering that I had already spoken to him two days earlier. However, he did seem a bit more lucid than before. Don't know whether that is good or bad, really.
I asked him when he is going to realise that there are other people in this world besides himself and what he wants, and start behaving like a grown man. I told him he has hurt his mother and his daughter, let alone anyone else, by what he has done, and that he is a fool to walk away from help like that. I told him that his memory is going, and he is seeing things and that something is wrong, that needs sorting out properly, not denying. I think he prefers not to know or think about that, or perhaps he can't. He said he was seeing things because he is tired, and that he didn't have enough sleep in hospital, and that was the only problem there. He sleeps nearly all the time, though.
Later he spoke to C to apologise (I insisted that he do that), and said that he loves her, and she said to him; 'Whatever!'. He wanted to hear the same back, but she can't do it, and I don't blame her.
He has seen his GP, which is something, and she is going to see him again next week. He said she did not like him having left the hospital. I bet she didn't. But at least I am absolved from having to visit now, I think. I am not about to reward this kind of thoughtless behaviour.
So, not any kind of saint, I am afraid.

The man I married died long ago, if indeed he ever existed. Actually, he did, for a while, but there was a demon inside who took over. Sometimes I see a glimmer of the person I once knew and - liked - but not often. Mostly I see a wreck of a human being, and a terrible, wicked waste of a life. If D had done this to anyone else it would be murder, imo. As it is, it is long, drawn out self destruction, dragging everyone else down in the process.
So yesterday I made some gf cakes, which was very nice. I am trying to just get on with living, and with being a family of two. Not easy, but I am getting there. Today I did all the ironing. Later I will go shopping.