Author Topic: New Thread  (Read 4720 times)

mia guesting

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« Reply #15 on: April 29, 2005, 10:13:48 AM »

Often I find myself facing the same sort of situation that you are.
Lately the best strategy has been to "pull a Mum".  IGNORE! IGNORE! SMILE! SMILE! Act like you are having the time of your life...even if you're not.

Even though I dread being around a$$hole I know I have to be since my children are involved.  I figure this is my cross to bear since I was foolish enough to marry this maniac.  I do it for my children.  It's not their fault that they have a whacko Dad.  

Anyway, I'm sure if you act like your normal self and a flash a smile here and there that everything will be fine.  Pretend as though he isn't even there.  Block him out of your mind. Don't give him the satisfaction of knowing that his presence bothers you.  That would be such a high for a N.

I'll be sending you positive thoughts and prayers.
And remember the best revenge is living well.  I know that infuriates my N to no end.

Take care.

Mia guesting

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« Reply #16 on: April 29, 2005, 10:14:56 AM »
Somewhere there's an infernal factory churning the same obsolete model out year after year. The only option is different plumbing. Brooding and fuming and all the other gawdawful behavior come as standard equipment.  



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« Reply #17 on: April 29, 2005, 10:30:48 AM »
Somewhere there's an infernal factory churning the same obsolete model out year after year. The only option is different plumbing. Brooding and fuming and all the other gawdawful behavior come as standard equipment.  



Hold your head up high and know that your daughter is worth it, Bittles.  (Maybe imagine really holey underwear with some silly pattern, like red devils or alligators.....lace around the bottom edges, and a long tail, attached to the back, dragging on the ground and tripping him up, every time he opens his dum mouth. :D  :D hee hee...hee hee hee).



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« Reply #18 on: April 29, 2005, 11:00:43 AM »
Maybe imagine ......a long tail, attached to the back, dragging on the ground and tripping him up

Maybe he really has a tail.  :shock:



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« Reply #19 on: April 29, 2005, 03:35:29 PM »
Maybe he really has a tail was removed surgically.  He has his image to think of!  Thank you for all your kind thoughts and advice.  Just checked in with the kids and the consensus is that he won't come.  He has had his invitation for 24 hours now and no response.  Jeepers, you couldn't get me off the phone when I learned the date.  Either way, this is very sad.  If he goes, there is going to be tension and I won't be able to be my usual self.  If he doesn't go, then it will be clear to my daughters and boyfriend's family that he is a jerk.  It's a real no-win situation.  This image stuff is really sick.  All of his family has it....maybe I should call it "nimage"?  And sometimes, not all the time....just sometimes when I think I can save the world, I feel sorry for him.  I wish I could pound it into his head that he is OK...he doesn't have to jump through hoops to impress people.  I actually told him this in one of my braver moments but there was no response.  He is extremely bright....maybe he will find his place in the world.  It ain't over 'til it's over.  Meanwhile, kiddo is graduating from university and already has a job and what more is more wonderful...I'm so proud of all of them.  Bittles (maudling but still going forward!)


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« Reply #20 on: April 29, 2005, 03:58:41 PM »
Just wanted to say I really hope you all have a GREAT DAY tomorrow, cause you all deserve it.

Much strength,



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« Reply #21 on: April 29, 2005, 06:31:47 PM »

My thoughts and love waves are being sent your way.  All will be well.

Much love,


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« Reply #22 on: April 29, 2005, 07:16:18 PM »
Congratulations bittles & your D especially on her major day! Imagine us there with you, too. You might be able to find 'us' in the audience!



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« Reply #23 on: April 29, 2005, 08:32:48 PM »

I'm shedding a tear on your behalf.   :cry:  I'll be where you are in a couple of years and I can't believe where the years have gone.  Many blessings to you and your daughter on this special day.  I hope it is filled with much joy and no H.  :roll:




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« Reply #24 on: April 30, 2005, 07:57:42 PM »
Thank you All!  It is, at least for me, a major day!  My baby is all grown up and will probably have her own credit card and everything.  We've always used humor in our house so humorously I always told my kids that even if we disagreed, it was MY job to get them to be 18 so they could then get a job and pay a shrink to complain about their mother  :lol:   I don't think he is coming.  It's now been 48 hours since he was apprised of the date and no response.  That's OK.  At least he is being consistent.  He does not care.


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« Reply #25 on: May 01, 2005, 12:47:20 AM »
hey, Bittles.  Most of what we worry about doesn't even happen.  So you can relax a bit. I am sad that your daughter will see again, what a jerk of a father she has, that makes me sad in my life, too, but she has an awesome mom...and like they say, as long as kids have ONE good parent....they're ok. (and yours sound more than ok!)

And anyway, this whole situation is not within your influence (whether he goes or not).  Stay there, with what you can influence, and let the rest take care of itself.  You can influence your own behavoir, and how you treat your children and other people...but beyond that you're just spinnin your wheels, out in the larger circle of concern, over which you have not a shred of control.  
When I can pinpoint what it is exactly I am concerned about, and then hone in on what I really have influence over....I find that worrying and brooding is a I worry and brood  :oops: until I figure it out (yet again) that it's not doing any good, and then I drop it.  Sure it's still out there, and I'm still concerned, but when I can't do a damn thing about it......what a waste of energy.
Last night I went to a performance at my daughter's school.  I was a little nervous because I sure do hate seeing my ex, his wife, etc.  (especially now that he is dragging me to court again next week).
My friend wanted to come with me, which surely helped bolster me, and from the second I walked in, I was besieged with friendly faces, parents and colleagues and the night went so well.  My daughter was brilliant (of course) and I didn't even know my ex was even there, until he came to gather our daughter at the end (dad night).
So, last night was and example of things we worry about sometimes never happening....
So you can practice walking tall and ignoring him another time....or he shows up and you get to show off....either way, it's all good.....


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« Reply #26 on: May 01, 2005, 04:59:45 AM »
Thank you, Mum.  Yeah, I know most of what we worry about does not happen.  I think worry really is a "gotta be ready when the sky falls' syndrome but it hasn't fallen yet!  But it MIGHT!  OMG  :lol: I, too, have to go back to court in a week which is probably fueling this worrying I seem to be pre-occupied with.  He is dragging out this divorce by not being forthcoming with where he spent all the money last year.  The next court date is supposedly to find out where it went.  (It was not an insignicant sum  :shock: )   I don't know about you, but the legal process is a bear.  It moves very slowly, tolerates a lot of posturing, and leaves me, at least in limbo for almost a year and a half now.  Limbo meaning I can't move forward and have to constantly dredge up information from the past to support just getting half of the assets.  And in dredging up the past, the damage that has been done is so clear.  I think that in addition to my worry, worry state, I now feel so vulnerable to other people's evaluation of me...probably because of all the court stuff.  HIS attorney, at our supposedly final court date took time to wish me good luck.  What was he thinking!  I'll be glad when the court stuff is all over.  It reminds me too much of all the hoops I had to jump through to remain married to a very self-absorbed person.  And those school performances are the best!  Hearing about your daughter brings back many great memories one particularly when I spent $50 on foam rubber for a costume that made my daughter look like a pound of cheese!  Costumes like this are very hard to store....Bittles