Author Topic: Everyone  (Read 3922 times)

Stormchild Guesting

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« Reply #15 on: May 03, 2005, 04:45:49 PM »
Looks like I'm a little late getting here - but sleepyhead, I missed you and I was beginning to worry about you. I'm glad you're back.

 8)  :D  8)  :D  8)  :D  8)  :D  8)  :D  8)


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« Reply #16 on: May 03, 2005, 05:05:54 PM »

October wrote:
As I remember, the first feelings of the baby are like flutterings inside...

One of mine moved so little that I was really afraid that the child would be still born.  The other, was like carrying a football team that was always in over time.  Turns out, one is very active and the other, isn't. :shock:  :D

bunny wrote:

You're brave to admit your fears. I have similar ones: that I am (a) boring; (b) not providing enough stimulation; (d) people wish I would just go away.....

No way Bunny.  You are far, far from those things...and then some.   It's people with feet in mouth disease, like me, that people probably wish would go away.   :roll:   Those with courage and stamina, knowledge and insight,  wisdom and empathy, kindness and consideration, like you, are greatly admired and wanted around.  8)



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« Reply #17 on: May 03, 2005, 05:16:10 PM »
Hi guys,

bunny wrote,
(d) people wish I would just go away.....

GFN wrote,
It's people with feet in mouth disease, like me, that people probably wish would go away

I propose that we all agree the only people who should go away are the Ns. Well maybe the BPDs too. :twisted:

Everyone else should stay, even us clods with our feet in our mouths. :P



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« Reply #18 on: May 03, 2005, 07:29:49 PM »

It's people with feet in mouth disease, like me, that people probably wish would go away.
Those with courage and stamina, knowledge and insight, wisdom and empathy, kindness and consideration, like you, are greatly admired and wanted around

You can't be serious? :shock:  Maybe you are just fishing for compliments here  :wink: , but there are very few people who are as conscientious about replying and thinking through questions and concerns as you are.

Don't you dare go away. :evil:


bunny as guest

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« Reply #19 on: May 03, 2005, 07:40:20 PM »
Thanks, folks, for your very kind words.   :P  I wanted to say that I had no intention of leaving. I was just relaying persecutory fantasies that were similar to Sleepyhead's. Now I'm embarrassed. Anyway, I hope no one leaves. Thanks again guys, you are all very sweet.



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« Reply #20 on: May 03, 2005, 08:35:07 PM »
I'm quite new here, so I can't really welcome you "back," but I wanted to say that I think it's really brave and very useful for you to post about your fears.  I feel that way most of the time, but I never talk about it. I even worry that I'll bore my therapist so much he gives up on me or (worse) falls asleep.

I was really moved that you would be so honest--and that others would, too.  That's one of the best things about this forum:  You can talk about the things that are really important, and really uncomfortable.

So thank you, and I hope you keep posting.


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« Reply #21 on: May 04, 2005, 12:11:38 AM »
Hi, Sleepyhead (and little one).  Life gets in my way of posting more than anything, but as I read your post and everyone's comments, I started thinking.....well, why would anyone give a darn whether I put my two cents in or not anyway.....!!!!
Geeewhiz.  Maybe we all do it.  And like someone said, that's why we are here...years of N damage seem to create a pathology of insecurity....or is it that the insecurity attracted the N in the first place (no, wait, that wouldn't work if your parent is an N).
N-yway.........I don't think anyone here has anything to be insecure about...NOT HERE!!  This is the safe house.  We all get to be brave here.
and we all get to say we are not always brave....that helps too!!

I am glad to see you posting again, your insights are full of light.
Happy to hear of no more morning sickness (for me it was 24 hour sickness) and a nice rounding belly.  Don't see Rosemary's the middle of the night when the hormones get ya, you'll be sorry!!!



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« Reply #22 on: May 04, 2005, 05:51:43 AM »
Quote from: Brigid

You are just such a gentle, loving soul who I wish I could scoop up and hug until the pain went away.



Which just goes to show how perceptive you are.  Because that would do it.  And it wouldn't take hours, just a few minutes.  Then we would have a cup of tea together and then go out on the razzle.   :)

However, in 3D, nobody touches me.  Sometimes friends try, but they can't reach where I am.   :)


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« Reply #23 on: May 04, 2005, 05:59:57 AM »
Quote from: daylily
I feel that way most of the time, but I never talk about it. I even worry that I'll bore my therapist so much he gives up on me or (worse) falls asleep.

God!  Can you imagine what that would be like!!  The therapist falls asleep, and you wonder whether to wake him/her, or whether to just creep out without waking them, and just go home.  :shock:  :?  And then we would feel guilty for being so dull, or keeping them awake.   :lol:

My Nmum does this if she visits and the telly is on.  If it is a programme she doesn't like (such as one with a black actor in the lead role - she is very racist) she falls asleep, and then she snores, very loudly.  Beyond rude.  :lol:  :lol:

Other times when she wants to go home she yawns a lot, very loudly.  Then dad is always the one to say they are about to go.  It is never Nmum who leaves.  She is always the one who 'agrees' with him.  Ultramanipulative.   :evil:

Fortunately they do not visit very often.  Shame!!


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« Reply #24 on: May 04, 2005, 06:02:42 AM »
Quote from: mum
as I read your post and everyone's comments, I started thinking.....well, why would anyone give a darn whether I put my two cents in or not anyway.....!!!!
Geeewhiz.  Maybe we all do it.  

I think you are right.  Maybe we need to write taglines for one another, and put them on our siggies.  Like yours could be 'My 2 cents is priceless to my friends.'  Or something like that.   :)


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« Reply #25 on: May 04, 2005, 09:09:03 AM »
Hi again! Thank you all again for your support, don't feel so paranoid today (just a little, that I whined and fished for approval...but I'm telling that little voice to go away and explain to it that there's nothing wrong in telling people how I feel). I guess mum is right, most of us seem to do this, it comes with all the territory, but it's a relief to be able to talk about it. I just keep telling myself that since I love reading other people's posts, even if they don't have a magic solution to my problems, maybe they enjoy reading mine as well? And I don't mind if someone posts a lot, so why would anyone else?

Anyway, my in-laws are coming to stay until monday, so I might not be here so much the next few days, but I'll try to find the time. Talk to you later!

P.S. The baby kicked (very faintly) this morning, even my f could feel it! They both send their love.D.S.
Rip it to shreds and let it go - Garbage


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« Reply #26 on: May 04, 2005, 04:40:35 PM »
Hi Sleepyhead :)

I hope you and your little one are doing well.  Though I've never had a baby before, I bet it is such an amazing thing to have a little miracle grow inside of you.

I'm glad you posted about your feelings.  I can understand where you are coming from, cuz I feel like that too.  I think that is the monster inside my head just trying to rain on my parade.  Sometimes, I don't know what to do with it.  Other times, I try to appease it so it wouldn't throw a temper tantrum at me.   It's kind of a crazy thing, this monster inside my head. :roll:

It's nice to have you posting again, Sleepyhead.  I remember you as someone who lifted my spirit with your words when I was down and out  on my old thread. :D

Sending  prayers and good thoughts for you and your little one :D
