Hi again! Thank you all again for your support, don't feel so paranoid today (just a little, that I whined and fished for approval...but I'm telling that little voice to go away and explain to it that there's nothing wrong in telling people how I feel). I guess mum is right, most of us seem to do this, it comes with all the territory, but it's a relief to be able to talk about it. I just keep telling myself that since I love reading other people's posts, even if they don't have a magic solution to my problems, maybe they enjoy reading mine as well? And I don't mind if someone posts a lot, so why would anyone else?
Anyway, my in-laws are coming to stay until monday, so I might not be here so much the next few days, but I'll try to find the time. Talk to you later!
P.S. The baby kicked (very faintly) this morning, even my f could feel it! They both send their love.D.S.