Hello ((((((((all))))))))! Thank you, thank you, thank you!

I was pretty sure (intellectually) that it was just in my head, but it feels really good being told so by you. I should have just posted this is the first place, shouldn't I? Oh, well, I'm learning.
And I am not just being polite.
I know from your post that apart from being warm, kind and caring you are also honest, so this means a lot to me. And it was seeing you being brave and saying when you felt hurt that made me dare to do the same.

So thanks!
Cadbury: Good to see you back! I did wonder where you had got to, and I missed you, there aren't that many of us living in the U.K. here (no offence to our American/Canadian/any other nationality?), and soon there will be one less when I go back to turnip-land. It feels a bit sad, but being pregnant it will feel nice to be with family (my fiancé's that is, and my sister).
P.S. How's the pregnancy going?
Great! No more nausea, not so tired, stomach seems to be getting bigger every day

and have started imagining? that I can feel something kicking!

My fiancé insists that now is the time to see Alien, but since I've seen it so many times I'm leaning towards Rosemary's Baby, which I haven't seen and which seems equally good for someone with a twisted sense of humour to watch while pregnant...
You need to concentrate on keeping a positive attitude for the sake of that little baby growing inside you. He/she (do you know?) is depending on you and absolutely no one else matters except you, the baby, your son and husband.
You are right, it is important to stay positive, but I managed to do that pretty well by
avoiding... Yeah, not very healthy, but I'm back and dealt with the problem! Maybe I'm not a hopeless case after all...

No, we don't want to know what it is, that would spoil the surprise, but maybe you are on to something telling me to take care of my son

, since this is my first child

! Thanks for the prayers, seing as we're heathens we probably need all the prayers we can get, and jokes aside, I do really appreciate it.
Mia: Thanks for the support, glad you enjoy my posts, I enjoy yours as well, even though I might not always have good advice, but it is always good to see all the mothers here coping so well.
I used to feel like I was on the outside looking in; as the years went on I joined in more, but it's taken many years to feel like it's actually me living it!
Yes! Exactly! But it used to be a lot worse, it used to be all the time, now it comes and goes... Normally I'm able to take part even though I might feel completely separate, and some of the time I feel like I'm living it. I just hate it when I slip back into that awful "evrybody hates me"-paranoia.
GFN: Yes, yes and yes again! You are absolutely right (I'm not going to quote what you said that was right, this post would become really long). It is just so hard to get past these feelings, even though I might know (or at least strongly suspect) that they are wrong... "Mindreading" is a big part of the problem, and so is feelings of unworthiness...

Feelings that really have nothing to do with the here and now but that somehow got stuck in me when I was younger. I need to work on getting them out of there.
My best advice is to try really hard to focus on your beautiful child that is on his/her way here and how you will do better by your child. You will love that child and be sure that child feels worthy and isn't treated rudely/shortly/or cruelly the way you were. You will do this Sleepy because you know what it feels like to be treated so meanly and how it hurts so deeply.
Yes, this is something that I'm determined to do, and actually something I feel confident of doing!

If there is one thing I know I will never lack empathy (like so many children of N's I am overly empathical, but thought that this was what empathy was until recently), and I will always have love for my child/children. Plus I'm getting "Compassionate Parenting" just to be on the safe side.
I thought you had your baby, and that's why you were gone!
I wish! I'm a very curious person and I can't wait to meet this new person, alas, I have to wait another five months or so...
You're brave to admit your fears.
Thank you, but it is the people on this board that has inspired this bravery. I have never seen so many courageous and honest people in one place before!

It feels sooo good to finally daring to say what you feel and to get these wonderful responses!

And you admitted your fears now! Wow! And I definitely agree with Muddy in that you are interesting and stimulating and please don't go away! You help so many people here (and I know I can speak for others in this case).
Mudpuppy: Thank you so much!
The only thing you did wrong was go away. Don't do that again and you'll be fine.
Yes, I keep avoiding problems, but that doesn't make them go away. Like trolls, you need to drag them out into the light to kill them.
This is everyone's board, including yours.
I will try to remember this, but it's very hard. It all comes down to feeling I don't have a right to my voice I guess...

I guees it's extra hard on the internet, since you can't see people's expressions and get that extra feedback.
Thanks for being there when I needed you!