Hi all -
Here's a classic N variation on this thread...in the mail today I got a Mothers Day card from my N-mother! The day I was born fell on Mothers Day those many years ago, but the two dates only correspond on the calendar every 7 years or so (like the plagues of cicadas). This is not one of those years. Yet inside the card, where it refers to Mothers Day, my N-mother has put in parentheses 'your birthday'. The cover of the card waxes on the wonders of a mothers love (yada yada yada), and the card itself is a Catholic mass card...a la, a mothers day mass will be said in your honor, etc, which evokes the overt religiousity common to many N.
Back to the real topic: I was very ambivalent in sending my N-mother a card this year, and would have gone with a basic handwritten message in a blank-note-card-with-nice-picture-on-front had my wife not suggested getting chocolates or something. I ruled that out, but she went with my 2 young daughters and picked out a birthday card and mothers day card (her birthday is also 2nd week in May), and both girls scrawled their greetings to Grandma on both, and my wife and I signed our names. It felt okay, not great, but not resentful either...the kids got a semi-abstract connection to their grandmother, and I didn't have to endure the hypocrisy of the Hallmark sentimentality aisle.