Author Topic: Great List of Narcissistic behavior  (Read 19202 times)


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great list of narcissistic behavior
« Reply #15 on: November 18, 2003, 11:45:39 PM »
Great list Jaded, - thank you!  Like you, I found almost everything if not everything on the list applies to my husband.  Amazing how there can be so much wrong!

Someone mentioned, I forget who, introducing a sentence with, "In my opinion........." - that this was passive, etc.  Good point.  With regard to the opposite, an aggressive N, (one perhaps, such as my husband), might often conclude a sentence with, "You know what I mean?"  This almost forces you to agree with the sentence, whatever it stated.  I may be getting ridiculous here but, the "you know what I mean?" to Ns is just another form of coercion.  I mean, this is a rhetorical question and what else would you reply but yes - no?



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Great List of Narcissistic behavior
« Reply #16 on: November 18, 2003, 11:53:33 PM »

I was sitting here thinking how my xN usually began his sentences.  It is unbelievable when I thought about it.  His usually begin with "I told YOU"  or "AS I SAID" .  I do not even have to explain this one folks.

H  E  L  L  O, what told me that was bahavior that I should tolerate.  Seriously, I really compare how I felt like being brain washed.  I used to wonder how people could get pulled into a cult.  I wonder if it is because they finally let go of reality and gave into their brain washers commands and falst information.  

I was at the breaking point a few times, I just could never seem to force myself over that fine line between reality and lala land.  He tried his damndest to woo me over the line, I knew deep down not to cross that fine line.  Gave me a little chance to begin recovery and its getting stronger every day. It will for you too, you have to believe in yourself Annabelle.
Fool me once, shame on you.  Fool me twice, shame on me!



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great list of narcissistic behaviors
« Reply #17 on: November 19, 2003, 12:18:09 AM »
(I'm writing this post again because I don't know where in cyberspace my original posted reply to this topic went - I just posted it 10 minutes ago - anyway.........)

Great list, Jaded - thanks.  Like you, almost everything on the list, if not everything, is applicable to my husband.  Amazing how so much could be wrong!

Someone mentioned (I forget who) how introducing a sentence with "In my opinion......" is passive.  On the other end, an N (perhaps, oh, someone like my husband) may often conclude a sentence with, "You know what I mean?"  I may be getting ridiculous here, but this is an aggressive way to gain compliance and validation no matter what was said in the sentence.  I mean, this is a rhetorical question - who's going to say "No" to "You know what I mean?" rather, we are forced to say yes, thus to agree with whatever was said by the N.

o.k. bedtime.  Goodnight all.
