I found out the other day,the crown prosecution has decided not to prosecute my sex abuser, on the grounds of, cos it was so many years ago, he would not be able to give an alibi for himself, plus my medical records before the age of 16 have vanished, so basically it wouldnt be a fair trial, i am absolutely sick and gutted, he has got away with it, although it clearly states on my file i was sexually abused it doesnt name him as the abuser, if people had took notice of what i said when i was young and questioned all my sexual activities that were wrote about when i was 5, we wouldnt be here now, and he would have been punished, its a disgrace on the part of the law and social services cos they let me down big time.
The fact i said he use 2 climb through the window, and i remember clearly and he has admitted it but saying he only done it once, and yet he went on to say betty(mother) use to leave us alone days at a time, how would he know unless he was there regularly, so what he says is the same as some of the facts written in my statement, and yet walks away probably smiling, the justice system is totally messed up, it should have gone 2 court and let a jury hear both sides of the story, and let them decide.
I was a little girl sexually abused on many occasions in many dirty disgusting ways, AND HES GOT AWAY WITH IT!!!