Author Topic: "Bad Boys"  (Read 6631 times)


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"Bad Boys"
« Reply #15 on: May 16, 2005, 03:09:03 AM »
Quote from: mum
Okay, I get the Alan Rickman thing.  I wouldn't say he is georgeous however...attractive, though.  (different aesthetic for me).
He was wonderfully confused in "Love Actually" wasn't he?

hmm..  at leats youve heard of him. hes not a very mainstream guy.  i have not seen 'love actually' or 'truly madly deeply' which he was also in. if they are ok for 12 yr olds, (guess you can tell me?) im going to see them this summer with delphine.

i guess hes known for stage acting -   a reviewer said of one stage performance: 'there was not a dry seat in the house' ~~@

the whole 'alan rickman thing' is an interesting N-related story......  i had never heard of him before he was in harry potter.... where strangely, he plays a character, who is a textbook N.

he played a character called 'severus snape' who is the 'potions master'... a  cold, manipulative, calculating, sneering, hypnotic character that pretty much is a textbook N.  his eyes are described as 'black tunnels' and in the book he is really a jerk. in the movie he isnt much better, except hes played by alan rickman.

so the result of this is that allllllllll these preteen girls have a massive crush on severus snape becuase alan rickman plays him so sexy.

and my daughter is one of them. (but, her mama has a weakness too, im just older and understand it better)

so she tells me that she thinks severus snape is 'dead sexy' (her words, direct quote) and i about faint, beucase here she is, attracted to dark cold distant manipulative characters, which i was reeeeally really hoping to avoid for her...  (in her 'fan fiction' stories she writes, her main character, del, has already had a child with severus !!) eeeek!

so....... i went and did a search on alan rickman to find out more about him and her 'crush'. and i found out that hes a really cool person who i do think is quite good looking but -also- has a really nice personality, which was a huge relief.

i read a bunch of interviews and reviews and stuff and found out that hes a very very cool person who is not at all N-ish and is actually very humble and known for being a good guy, (although one director said 'he has a whimsy when he plays evil that is very very seductive' which unfortunately is totally true) but -also- has that kind of complex, multilayered, cerebral, self-effacing, humor-oriented personality that i do find truly sexy in real life...

so to my extreme relief, he did turn out to be the kind of person i could live with my daughter being attracted to. i was not at all happy at first that she would be attracted to such an N-like character as the potions master..... but alan rickman represents a Good Guy to me. we talk endlessly about the fact that charm is meaningless. humor is where its at. you must find a person that can honestly laugh *at themselves*.

so, i keep sending delphine all this stuff on alan rickman so she figures out that she is more attracted to the actor than to this character, severus snape.  so im not a big hollywood person but doing that research converted me to a big alan rickman fan, becuase to me personality is a  big part of what im attracted to in a man, and he has a really attractive personality as well as some sweeet eyes.!!. :wink:

He.... knew all the right things to say to NOT sound like my first (a****le ex)....but he WAS only skin deep (the rest was an alcohol saturated vacuum).

alcohol saturated vacuum..... yup..... yuuuupppp.....yup..sory :(


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"Bad Boys"
« Reply #16 on: May 16, 2005, 03:41:22 AM »
Duid anyone see Rickman in Galaxy Quest a spoof of Star Trek? I thought he was brilliant.


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"Bad Boys"
« Reply #17 on: May 16, 2005, 07:02:55 AM »

I loved Galaxy quest! He was fabulous as embittered, snide, snooty, tired of playing second-fiddle to Tim Allen Alexander! I thought Sigourney Weaver was also absolutely hilarious!  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:



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"Bad Boys"
« Reply #18 on: May 16, 2005, 11:49:31 AM »
Hope I don't regret this, but i guess I'll stick my oar in here.

I guess I can kinda understand the fascination with bad boys as boyfriends.
But I have never understood so many women's willingness to marry them.
It always seemed like buying a car without any brakes. I mean to say, I guess its pretty exciting on the way down the first hill you come to, but eventually there's always a turn at the bottom, and inevitably a world class pile up. I don't understand the willingness to commit the rest of one's life to a car wreck in progress. :?

I guess I would qualify as a good boy, but I happen to think I'm a pretty fun guy. I love doing all sorts of stuff, and I used to do a considerable amount of fairly dangerous stuff before i had kids, but I never did anything that might hurt someone else (except for drive too fast  :roll:  :( )

I guarantee I'm not a wimp. I know this because my wife assures me that she would not have married me if I was. And I believe and do everything my wife tells me to. :P  :shock:  :lol:

Seriously though, for the good boys (and there are some) its pretty disheartening to watch so many really nice women ignore some great guy right in front of them and go get their heart broken by some Billy the Kid wannabe. I think it encourages a lot of otherwise fairly decent guys to act like jackasses, just to compete.


PS. Stormy, I love Van Morrison. Especially 'Tupelo Honey'. Even when I was young I always wanted to find someone as sweet as he described in Tupelo Honey. Lucky for me, I did. :D
I also love 'Redwood Tree'.


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"Bad Boys"
« Reply #19 on: May 16, 2005, 11:55:08 AM »
Oh yeah, one more thing,

Wasn't Alan Rickman the villain in 'Quigley Down Under' with Tom Sellek and 'Die Hard' with Bruce Willis?



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"Bad Boys"
« Reply #20 on: May 16, 2005, 12:12:44 PM »
galaxy quest was hilarious. ! hee hee  

yes rickman played the villain in die hard and also the sherriff of nottingham in robin hood. he also  directed 'the winter guest' and played in a lot of stage productions, les liasons dangerouses, (sp) and a movie about rasputin, and a movie about mesmer too.

mud, theres a difference between bad boys and mean boys.

i define bad boys as people that like to have fun. to me having fun -doesnt- include beng a jerk.......being a jerk isnt fun.

all my adult relationships have been with 'bad boys' but theyve all been very very nice people. just a little naughty :}}>  a little cayenne pepper in the soup, you know.

maybe we are defining terms differently.


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"Bad Boys"
« Reply #21 on: May 16, 2005, 12:24:04 PM »

I guess I can kinda understand the fascination with bad boys as boyfriends.
But I have never understood so many women's willingness to marry them.

Having just returned from a therapy appointment where we talked about this very thing, my therapist explained it this way.  For those of us who had negative experiences with parents and I think, for girls, especially with their fathers, they end up choosing men who are like their fathers--immature, unemotional, detached, or any of the other "bad boy" descriptors you want to use.  They choose them with the goal of changing them, reigning them in, taming them (all the things we already said), so they become the father we wish we had had.  We start off loving our fathers and they are the first male image we have.  When we are disappointed by that and hurt by that, we will forever be in search of a way to correct it.

This is why I now have concerns for my daughter as in the prime of her formative years of seeing how a boy/man should treat a woman, she has a father who is essentially ignoring her and giving his attention to some strange woman that took him away from her mother.  As good a mother as I am, I can never be a male role model for her and she really has no others.

Back to Hollywood--Harrison Ford, definitely; Sean Connery, most definitely; Johnny Depp - dangerous, but very, very sexy (I just watched "Finding Neverland" over the weekend and loved, loved, loved it); and my daughter and I have a mad crush on Orlando Bloom.  Colin Ferrel, however, will NEVER be my type.  Bad boy to the max!!



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"Bad Boys"
« Reply #22 on: May 16, 2005, 12:41:50 PM »
Hiya all, another view for you. I don’t think I was attracted to bad boys, in fact I’m hardly attracted to any men at all. I just don’t get this thing where women say ‘isn’t he gorgeous/sexy/attractive/etc’. I just don’t think those things! I wonder if I’m weird, abnormal? I think I did when I was about age 12-14 but then it changed – it took me a long time of knowing someone to find them attractive (and a very long time not be attracted to someone just because they were attracted to me/grateful reciprocity).

As for marrying them, bad boys or not, I’ve not been asked (truly, not nice enough) but I probably wouldn’t have. Marriage isn’t for life in my family, so why do it – unless you intend to have children (and if you intend to, ask yourself why etc).

But what kind of men do I find interesting? David Lynch for his films, Leonard Cohen for his humour, Nick Cave for his musical melodrama, Lou Reed…was he really a bad boy? Hmm. Meatloaf! – again for his humour and totally over-the-top act. I think humour may be a theme here….

I remember when the one real N I spent 6 months with showed me the ‘executive’ house he wanted to buy. I could see myself being imprisoned there, stuck washing and ironing his clothes and keeping house like a good little robot, while he spent weekends with his various girlfriends (as he already did). I left him soon after. I shudder at that thought, like an animal being hypnotised by it’s hunter, I’m glad I woke up and fled. He wasn’t a bad boy, he was an idiot  :D (and I was nuts :( ). Yeah! Interesting thoughts, thanks mum, Portia


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"Bad Boys"
« Reply #23 on: May 16, 2005, 01:02:46 PM »
I like many of the men you do and I'm attracted to people not for what they look like.

One of the sexiest men I know is not attractive but has the most amazing mind...........

Everybody else who knows him thinks he is really dull, mundane and don't take time to get to know him.  He is actually so clever, he makes my head spin, and a right laugh when you get him going.

It's all platonic though because we are both very happily married to other people.....

I have to say, though, you can definitely look but not touch and I mean in general!!!  I think it's human nature.


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"Bad Boys"
« Reply #24 on: May 16, 2005, 03:44:57 PM »
OMG, Portia.  MEATLOAF????  Clearly it's not about looks for you!!!  
Talent is attractive, though.....although we might get some disagreement on whether he has any (brilliant, IMO)