Okay, I get the Alan Rickman thing. I wouldn't say he is georgeous however...attractive, though. (different aesthetic for me).
He was wonderfully confused in "Love Actually" wasn't he?
hmm.. at leats youve heard of him. hes not a very mainstream guy. i have not seen 'love actually' or 'truly madly deeply' which he was also in. if they are ok for 12 yr olds, (guess you can tell me?) im going to see them this summer with delphine.
i guess hes known for stage acting - a reviewer said of one stage performance: 'there was not a dry seat in the house' ~~@
the whole 'alan rickman thing' is an interesting N-related story...... i had never heard of him before he was in harry potter.... where strangely, he plays a character, who is a textbook N.
he played a character called 'severus snape' who is the 'potions master'... a cold, manipulative, calculating, sneering, hypnotic character that pretty much is a textbook N. his eyes are described as 'black tunnels' and in the book he is really a jerk. in the movie he isnt much better, except hes played by alan rickman.
so the result of this is that allllllllll these preteen girls have a massive crush on severus snape becuase alan rickman plays him so sexy.
and my daughter is one of them. (but, her mama has a weakness too, im just older and understand it better)
so she tells me that she thinks severus snape is 'dead sexy' (her words, direct quote) and i about faint, beucase here she is, attracted to dark cold distant manipulative characters, which i was reeeeally really hoping to avoid for her... (in her 'fan fiction' stories she writes, her main character, del, has already had a child with severus !!) eeeek!
so....... i went and did a search on alan rickman to find out more about him and her 'crush'. and i found out that hes a really cool person who i do think is quite good looking but -also- has a really nice personality, which was a huge relief.
i read a bunch of interviews and reviews and stuff and found out that hes a very very cool person who is not at all N-ish and is actually very humble and known for being a good guy, (although one director said 'he has a whimsy when he plays evil that is very very seductive' which unfortunately is totally true) but -also- has that kind of complex, multilayered, cerebral, self-effacing, humor-oriented personality that i do find truly sexy in real life...
so to my extreme relief, he did turn out to be the kind of person i could live with my daughter being attracted to. i was not at all happy at first that she would be attracted to such an N-like character as the potions master..... but alan rickman represents a Good Guy to me. we talk endlessly about the fact that charm is meaningless. humor is where its at. you must find a person that can honestly laugh *at themselves*.
so, i keep sending delphine all this stuff on alan rickman so she figures out that she is more attracted to the actor than to this character, severus snape. so im not a big hollywood person but doing that research converted me to a big alan rickman fan, becuase to me personality is a big part of what im attracted to in a man, and he has a really attractive personality as well as some sweeet eyes.!!.

He.... knew all the right things to say to NOT sound like my first (a****le ex)....but he WAS only skin deep (the rest was an alcohol saturated vacuum).
alcohol saturated vacuum..... yup..... yuuuupppp.....yup..sory