rdslady and brigid,
Like both of you, I can also attribute my "reasons" and choice in my N to my upbringing. While my parents did what they thought best, my mom was very strict growing up and we had to follow what she knew were the right decisions for us...no choices...no left or right. It turns you into a person who feels like they have to please all the time. I can remember wanting to feel loved and accepted by my mom from a little girl and being afraid of doing something wrong and not having that acceptance. I was married at 23 and separated from my (controlling) husband after 5 yrs. It was then that I realized I have never made my own decisions. I didn't have a clue how, or the confidence to make my own decisions. I was living as an extension of other people. NO CLUE WHO I WAS.
After my marriage, I met the N, and it's about 4 1/2 yrs. later now. My husband died shortly after we separated, I pulled my life together. I raise our daughter, own a nice home, and take care of us pretty darn well. Dealing with that, you would think getting past the N would be a piece of cake, but it's been more difficult than separation, death and anything else I've been through.
For the first time in the four years though, I can see the parallels between my relationship with my mom and with the N. I don't try to please my mother anymore, but we will never have the emotional connection that I could only wish for. But, I'm seeing that the relationship with the N is lacking the same elements and I was bending myself into a pretzel to try and make myself perfect for him-- trying to get back the fantasy guy who was there in the beginnning--trying to be accepted as part of his life.
rdslady, as far as being an officer, I don't want to say too much for fear of giving myself away here, but it is the perfect place for them. My ex N carries himself as if he is invincible.You think that they have integrity, and are respected because we are supposed to respect those in that posittion. But, the truth is, if you don't serve him a purpose, you better get the heck out of his way or you'll be run over. He is a power hungry, control freak that thinks the world owes him. I could say a lot, but I won't. There are some wonderful officers, and I do have the greatest respect for them. Unfortunately, the others do not paint a good picture for them.
Hope your feeling better!