I don't feel that my daughter is developing a mental illness. I know how X N operates and he is not afraid to use intimidation tactics at every turn. My daughter is the spitting image of me and she has a very strong personality and tends to challenge when she feels something is wrong. I would bet everything that he views her as a mini me.....his nemesis. Even though he can't stand being around her, he sees her as one of his possessions...something for him to control.
BINGO! you are exactly right....I have the same issue with my XN viewing my SON as mini me....and no, I don't believe that your daughter is developing a mental illness, either. I believe that the children/victims of a parent N need an outlet to vent through....I try to be the outlet for my son, as opposed to in inanimate object or his disassociating with him self and his environment. I let him yell (not at me, but at the situation). I let him curse, some and I encourage him to tell me everything he is feeling. I let him get angry, while sitting next to me, so he can't lash out at himself or anything else. I would imagine, Mia, my 10 year old, after many of his visits with his N father, has felt like banging on anything and everything....the pain and blood on her hand are insignificant to your daughter compared to the pain in her heart. Unfortunately, she has been successfully manipulated by your XN to believe that he is watching all the time. Though, I know that my XN watches me and my son whenever he can (at my son's sporting events he just glares at both of us), perhaps you could reassure your daughter that he can only see her when she can see him. Above all, make sure that you let her know that as soon as she gets home to you, you will be ready and available for her to vent to....I know how you feel when you say that you'd like to rush the car and kill him....these aren't anything but a mother's desire to protect her babies, at any cost...I believe that's what we all are, here in this world of support...hang in there and hug and hug and hug your daughter. I am constantly amazed how much better my son feels after a huge hug and I tell him our "secret" love you....God bless you and your daughter....hugs to you, Mia.