Flowergirl: I am sad for your lack of true mothering.....
As GFN said, we end up filling those voids ourselves. My daughter has a real "lack" in the father department (oh, she has one, but he is unavailable to her as a father should be, and is actually pretty awful..a big huge N). But she is filling this void herself. I like to think I help, as an example, and by giving her the love he cannot, but I am not her father, and she is finding ways to fill this void herself.
As harsh as it sounds, it's actually quite wonderful.....we do what we can, and the healing, the hugging really comes from ourselves.. We are creating the experiences that lead us to get those hugs and the pther things we need to feel loved. You posted here, people opened "arms". You opened up to friends and ways to feel better...the sun shone and you went to dinner.
It's within you. You create it. You are remarkable.