Ok Daylily:
It's all people being "nice" or "charitable" or "sympathetic."
Exactly. They try to encourage you because they know or sense you need encouragement. It doesn't sink in....because the one you really want that encouragement from, the one who would really "make" you feel good about yourself, who you would believe, who you have believed, whether conscious or unconsciously.....for most of your life....that one is...
Your mother.
And I am so, so very, very sorry that she didn't do that for you and how much that has hurt you. It is something serious and detrimental to a child's development....to feel valued ...and your mother did not express that you are valued, that you have value, that you are worthy, capable, or encourage such truths!!! Truths!!!
Truths Daylily. You are a fantastic writer. I can feel what your spot is like...to a great extent. I hear how hurt and lost and confused this is for you. I understand, from what you wrote, the circumstances (some of them....because you obviously haven't written all of them) that caused, is causing this trouble for you. Because you have communicated very accurately, with much feeling, with great description.....of it and that...is the truth of a great writer.
You are one. But........your mommy doesn't even acknowledge this. Could she be jealous? Envious? Afraid you might surpass her accomplishments? One possible explanation. There could be many.
Examining them might help. But more so.......I really believe the answer to your problem is that you must be the one to give yourself...what your mother (God forgive her soul) has not. It is a lack of self-value, an old tape (as it has been called on this board) playing in your head that keeps that lack of self-esteem intact. So...maybe to help yourself...you will have to do two things.
!. Find a way to kill/abolish/meltdown/ruin/discard/ignor/discount that old tape. Those words......you "had to know it wasn't any good" are what Patricia Evan calls "pretending, backward, controlling" words (in her book...Controlling people...which I am reading...are ya proud of me for not picking more history or what????

). Your mother tried to pretend she knew your inner reality by saying that you had to know. You didn't know. You knew otherwise......know otherwise....that you are a great writer! You had worked hard and your book was good!! How dare she assume to know what you know or say what you know or convince you of what she decides you know!!! It was the exact opposite of what you knew/know. Your book was a work, a struggle, an accomplishment, and pretty good for your age, the total opposite of what she was trying to convince you to believe. Totally backward. And controlling. Convince you. Throw it away so you'll have to start over and give up. That was cruel and it hurt.
Your experience is just as harmful, just as hurtful, just as devistating as any here. You are worthy to grieve the loss of a non-mother. You have every right and you are not whining or complaining. You are expressing your pain, expressing it clearly and with feeling and in a way that others, like me, can understand and I commend you for that!! Your pain is just as real as any other, Daylily.
Start telling yourself she's full of _________. She's sick (certainly not acting/hasn't acted as a healthy, loving mother). That what she says doesn't matter. That you will not listen to the old tapes any more. That you don't believe them. That all of that junk was garbage and nothing more. Not true. Lies. The truth is no where to be found there. The stuff that was said about you being unworthy, having no value, being no good, all the derogatory crap that was played out, is playing out......is just that.
Tell yourself this over and over, every single day from now on.
That's step 1.
And 2.
You must make new tapes. Positive affirmations. Love yourself. Accept that you have a talent for writing. Decide that you can write if you want to. Build your own worth, in your own head, with your own words. Again...over time, repeatedly, daily, from now on. No quitting. No looking back. What she said was garbage. The truth is you are very capable of success and have already succeeded at some things. Look for them and list them. Give yourself credit for stuff you have done right. Believe that you will do more. Tell yourself everyday from now on that you are worthy, of value, capable and good. You are!!! You really are!!