I did it again. I must be the most stupid, idiotic creature there is, a zero, a complete and total nothing. I apologized for something I didn't do, just like I did over and over again when i was 5, 9 12 22, 32 etc. etc. I took the blame, even though i did nothing, even though it wasn't my fault, and even though i have worked a year and a half to resolve this. And I know it's because school is over, no new classes till fall, no distractions. All my progress down the drain with a single phone call to someone who isn't related to me and shouldn't matter. And I felt instant relief, and I hate myself feeling relief, and I've read over and over that you can't change the way you feel, you just have to feel it. And this is so frustrating for me because if I can't change the way I feel, I'm doomed to be a loser. What do you do when your heart tells you one thing and your head disagrees. How do you become strong, secure, and healthy.