16 Assume that the way they do it is the right way, and everyone who behaves differently is an inferior species of humanity. Treat them and speak to and of them accordingly.
17 Whenever a conversation is started, use it to introduce a story from their childhood, about something trivial. Speak at great length about it, leaving no gaps, and without caring whether others are listening or not.
18 When hearing of a bad event happening to their child, make comments relating to themselves.
19 Seek out eagerly opportunities for histrionics, rather than ways to control themselves.
20 When imposing rules, such as bedtime or leaving a park etc, demand immediate compliance, with no five minute warning.
21 When speaking of the childhood of grown up children, imply that they were very difficult, or unmanageable, and not at all good or compliant, whatever the truth of the matter.
22 Treat the grandchildren just as they treated the children.
23 Sneer at 'lovey dovey' parents, and teach the children not to need affection.
24 Sacrifice the children and grandchildren to the NGod; body and soul.