Hi All -
Am writing as there is now more to my horror story. My Nmother was taken by ambulance after falling a week ago today. She stayed until Tuesday - they wanted to make sure she was stable before releasing her. The only thing they ended up doing for her was adding an aspirin a day! The nurse there said she would alternate between being charming and sweet to an absolute bitch. Typical N person, always nice to the people they think they can impress and lousy to the ones close to them. We brought her back to assisted living in our car - BIG mistake. She should have been brought back by wheelchair van or ambulance. We turned her soft couch around so she couldn't sit in it (the reason she fell). We took an upolstered desk chair that was firm for her to sit in. Well, we didn't like that, we didn't want to go to the dining room, we wanted to know who was going to dress her for bed, etc.. Now, my mother was fully capable of dressing herself, getting up out the chair, and using the bathroom by herself. After all the constant care she got in hospital (and attention) she wanted it all over again. She actually wanted us to stay with her until it was time for bed and this was 4:30! We had to leave to talk to the nurse about extended care for a few days. She pulled her silent act and gave me a look that was the worst I've ever seen. Hollow, silent, pure hatred. I never thought a mother could look at her own child with such contempt. On asking her if she was going to say goodbye, all she replied was "what's the point". At that we walked out.
The VNA was sending a nurse the next day (good thing)... first, she was nasty and verbally abusive to the aide in the morning who gives her, her medications. I guess she wanted her to wait on her and dress her - refusing to do it herself. She wet the bed - and then once dressed proceeded to wet the upholstered chair, and a soft chair and another one. She peed over everything. Of course, she can't stay there, it's not a nursing home. The VNA nurse called an ambulance and they took her back to the ER, in a holding pattern. After many, many phone calls they found a bed in a nursing home in our hometown. She'll be there for 20 days on Medicare for evaluation. I really doubt she'll be going back to A.L.
I don't want to see her - it does NOTHING for me, her abuse is awful. My stomach has a pit in it a mile wide. I keep telling myself that I can only be accountable for her safety, not her emotional well being. She's never cared about mine. Once she could physically beat me, and when I reached my teen years, it's been mental abuse. God, now I am 51 and she still makes me physically ill.
We have to go up there again today to sign papers and go over me becoming her guardian. (We did talk to our lawyer yesterday).
My constant apprehension is people, saying "do you want to see your Mother?", "Why don't you want to see her?" She's so nice.
It's because I HATE her, you idiot!
Am in such a state. Please, anyone that has any comments or suggestions, please write. Will be seeing my shrink next week - but for now and the long weekend coming, I feel the need for some support.