Author Topic: Just want to introduce myself...  (Read 1478 times)


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Just want to introduce myself...
« on: May 27, 2005, 01:53:41 PM »
Hi. My name is Demian, and I'm a survivor of incest and daughter of narcissistic parents. I was first drawn to this site a year or so ago, quite frankly by its name, as finding my voice as been a life-long process for me. I'd have to say my healing has come through the creative arts and my spirituality.

I have been an advocate for other people and for various causes for most of my life. Only now am I truly beginning to learn how to take a stand for myself.

I look forward to receiving inspiration from your posts and sharing, as well as occasionally making a post here or there, myself!

Anyway, thank you for creating this wonderful space.



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Just want to introduce myself...
« Reply #1 on: May 27, 2005, 02:59:38 PM »
Welcome, Dreamsinger, I am already enjoying your posts!
I, similarly, spent my life helping others find thier creative voice, while stifling my own.  Happy to say, that is no longer the case, and while I fight to regain my power legally as a parent, this board has been a great source of support!!
Glad you are here!


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Just want to introduce myself...
« Reply #2 on: May 27, 2005, 03:49:23 PM »
Welcome dreamsinger! You will find a lot of help and suuport here, I am sure. And congratulations on posting, the first post is always so scary, but it is a giant step in finding your voice. :)  Looking forward to hear more of your story.
Rip it to shreds and let it go - Garbage


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Just want to introduce myself...
« Reply #3 on: May 27, 2005, 09:59:00 PM »
Welcome Dreamsinger!

Glad to meet you.

I live one state over from you.  I look forward to reading more of your posts.



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Just want to introduce myself...
« Reply #4 on: May 28, 2005, 06:51:36 PM »
*Thank you*, each one, for the warm welcome!

Sometimes it is easier to read than post...nothing wrong with that, but I've learned over the years to become a little bit cautious and more discerning about on-line support groups. Have to say the energy feels real good here.

Anything that helps people to become more empowered is a good thing. And I'm definitely into independent whatever...independent music, publishing, support groups...thoughts, dreams...

Seems to me when you take back responsibility for your own healing in this way, you meet others who are doing the same, and "independent" transforms into something else...that's when the journey becomes real sweet :-) I thnk that's what "interdependency" is about...but I don't know, because I'm not sure I'm there yet. I'm still stretching my wings and getting a feel for being independent, having been codependent for so long.

Anyway, it's interesting, isn't it, mum, to be such an advocate for others, to help them find their voice or express their creativity while being practically mute for yourself?

You say you helped others find their creative voice. Mind me asking what you did? Me, I was...and still am, although my activism is focused more on personal healing now, but I was the human rights activist...doing research, writing articles, songs, lobbying, meeting my heros of the Chinese democracy movement, and participating in demonstrations and vigils in support of various basic human rights, including the right to *free speech*, no less.

Who says life doesn't have a sense of humor?

I think the irony dawned on me one day, when I realized here I was a big advocate for speaking one's truth and all against censorship, but at home I was systematically censored as to what could be discussed and what couldn't.

Wish I could say that's when everything changed for me, but it was one of those "Ah hah!" and then "ZZZzzzzzz" experiences.  Know what I mean?


What matters is that I'm here now. :-)


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Just want to introduce myself...
« Reply #5 on: May 28, 2005, 09:43:30 PM »
Yup, I get it, Dreamsinger.  I must say, my life has not been quite so remarkable.  I teach visual art.  Have been for 22 years.  I spend my days teaching self expression, and in that way, feel I am finding voice for my students, many of whom would never find a voice, otherwise,  in an academic setting.
For 13 years I was married to a real jerk.  I am still involved with him in serious legal battles involving our children.
At work, I was competent, outspoken, well loved by coworkers, parents, students, all the while totally in a box with my ex.  He had me intimidated and terrified.  I was like 2 different people. It was hard for my family to see this, so they were overjoyed when we split!
It has still taken me many years (8 more post divorce) to find my power. It is still a miracle unfolding....this very interesting journey!
I think I actually lost a lot of my voice when I was much younger....and that marriage just solidified a lot of bad self concepts.
I have had lots of help in finding my power again.  I have had some wonderful therapists and friends and family to help.
There are a lot of nice people on a similar path here.  I have no other cyber forums to compare this to, though, but everyone is pretty supportive here.  Glad you are here.