Author Topic: mum, Dreamsinger, longtire and guests  (Read 1129 times)


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mum, Dreamsinger, longtire and guests
« on: June 02, 2005, 03:36:02 PM »
So many to thank for the wonderful encouragement and wisdom-filled words....I have hope and faith and believe that I can see a flicker of light in our future where once it was so dark and I felt so alone.  I am SOOO sorry that there are so many of us that are in the same situation, but WOW!  what a wonderful thing to find the comradeship and circle of support on this forum!  I am holding tightly to my sanity and only sliglhtly rigidly to my emotions, as I want to make sure my heart, mind and all feelings are available to my son.  I'm breathing deeply, now that I have found someplace to express myself to those that truly understand....and noone can truly understand this nightmare if they have lived it...

I want to be able to be there for any of you that need a shoulder or feel desperate, at times, as well as offer any insight or advice I can to other "newbies", as I continue in my quest for my goal of raising a child that knows that he is loved and what is normal.  I speak to him openly about what the N bug is and how it is not his fault or anything he has done to create this environment.  I am returning to court on June 22 and (thanks to the encouragement of Dreamsinger) I am going to TRY and explore the possibility of a change in judge.  In the meantime, I am minimizing the "appearance" of the amount of time my son must spend with the N, this summer.  And (thanks to Mum) I'm also exploring the possibility of taking him in front of a, hopefully, new judge and getting the phone contact clause enforced.  You all know how tough it is to enforce these smaller clauses, without the benefit of having an officer sitting in his house forcing the issue.   :x

longtire... it sunk in hard about the hope that my son will remember how hard I fought for him and how I support him through these times....I pray this remains so.....

I pray for all of you and PLEASE...if you achieve anything positive with your respective situations, let me and others know by posting!!  I think it would be awfully soul-replenishing to hear a success story, instead of all our gloom  :)

I look forward to continuing to communicate with all of you!  and THANK YOU!


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mum, Dreamsinger, longtire and guests
« Reply #1 on: June 02, 2005, 05:22:54 PM »
Dawndulane: good to hear from you. I only have a minute, but will post more later.  I am glad to see you are hanging in there.  Perserverance means more than really does.  Keep your focus and keep moving on.  Sending you love and light!!!!


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mum, Dreamsinger, longtire and guests
« Reply #2 on: June 03, 2005, 09:36:58 AM »
Dawndulane, keep the faith.  You may not always be successful in what you do, but trying DOES matter.  I am confident that you WILL be successful far mor often than not with the attitude that you show here.  Keep up the great work and don't forget to take care of yourself throughout.

- The only thing that was ever really wrong with me was that I used to think there was something wrong with *me*.  :)


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mum, Dreamsinger, longtire and guests
« Reply #3 on: June 06, 2005, 12:22:07 AM »
Hi Dawndulane,

Sorry I haven't responded sooner!  I've been very busy getting ready for a book show in NY...first time for me, and just got back less than an hour ago.  Wanted to check in before I went to bed...

I'll post more tomorrow, but just wanted to say how happy I am to hear that you are acting on what you believe is best for your son. How empowering!  :-)  Just know that you are not alone.
