And I am far too critical of narcissists, and nowhere near critical enough of my own reactive patterns around anyone who seems the least bit N-ish to me. It's not wrong to see narcissists for what they are... but it doesn't help to stop there. I haven't moved far enough beyond that.
I know that as a result I have caused pain and confused or annoyed people here, and also have given too much advice on some occasions when it would have been better not to give any at all.
I don't know you very well, Stormchild, but I just wanted to say that it might help to give yourself a break. I know you're under tremendous stress right now, and this may not be the best time in your life to evaluate your behavior or withdraw from a supportive environment. Just my thoughts, of course, but on reading over your original post, it struck me that you are being very hard on yourself.
Not that self-evaluation doesn't have a role. Of course it does--here, in one's career, out in the "real world," everywhere. But I've found in my own life that there's a fine line between accurate self-assessment and a more sophisticated way of falling into my old, old trap of "Everything is my fault." Isn't the point to recognize one's behavior, modify it accordingly, and grow where necessary
without withdrawing from or destroying valuable relationships?
Obviously, people here who have gotten to know you, value you--your insight, your wit, your intelligence, your
contribution. That's something; it's a lot. If we wait until our reactions/behavior/engagement are perfectly tuned, will we ever allow anybody to know us?
I'm sorry if this seems like sticking my (rather large) nose where it doesn't belong. I just wanted to say that I hope you remember to be as kind to, and understanding of, yourself as you obviously have been regarding others.
Wishing you peace,