Hey, Menow. Huckabees is strange, but I like strange films. It's concept is funny: a confused young man hires "existential detectives" to find out about what he sees as a "coincidence". It's not nearly the "heavy" movie I thought I would see, and I was pleasantly surprised. Especially good to see Dustin Hoffman in that film as I just watched (part of, I shut it off) him in "Meet the Fockers" and couldn't believe how sophomoric the humor was....potty humor mostly. Kind of pointless stuff, guess you have to be in the mood.
Lots of great acting in Huckabees....it really moved along, too, which a lot of "artsy" films do not.
I thought it would be like "The Royal Tannenbaums", which I liked, but that I found HEAVY at times.....and it was much, much lighter.