Author Topic: New Here... my story...gotta value my voice finally  (Read 8809 times)


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New Here... my story...gotta value my voice finally
« Reply #45 on: June 08, 2005, 07:58:34 PM »
Mum, I love it! Yes! I will join you! Let's see what I can scrounge up that's bad! And there are a million things I can do too, but who the hell cares!!! It is my night, too! I am going to veg out and watch some juicy tv. I already planned my programs for the night. : ) I can just picture you eating your cookie and milk! Go for it. That sounds really good. And boy do I know all about the dramas.... NO THANKS! I did get a really sweet email from my new neighbor friend, that was nice, I guess he can handle it! For so long I put a frickin smile on my face. God forbid I had an undesireable emotion that might turn someone away! Well, no more, here I am world. SORRY. Take it or leave it.  :D Gosh, it feels good to say that! Party on Mum. I'll be thinkin of you. You crack me up!


mum as guest

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New Here... my story...gotta value my voice finally
« Reply #46 on: June 08, 2005, 08:22:14 PM »
next bad item(s):
dark chocolate covered ginger pieces and a frozen Indian food dinner (in that order, think I'll heat the dinner first, though) and the film "I (heart) Huckabees".  3 big dogs and I'm set for the night (oh, would that make it a three dog night?)
Have fun!

mum as guest

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New Here... my story...gotta value my voice finally
« Reply #47 on: June 08, 2005, 10:12:11 PM »
menow: see the film "I heart Huckabees"....existentialism, good and evil, infinity,  meaning....all in a much funnier venue than star wars.


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New Here... my story...gotta value my voice finally
« Reply #48 on: June 08, 2005, 10:42:50 PM »
Mum... hmmmm tasty! I usually eat my desserts first too.  :shock: Huckabees, huh. Is it depressing? I avoided it because I saw this dysfunctional family sitting there.   I watched 60 minutes with the amish people not dealing with their serious inbred diseases. At least it seems they are beginning to wake up. Then I watched "dancing with the stars". It was awesome. So cute and fun. I highly reccomend it. Good, clean fun. Evander Holyfield was so cute. It will be on next week too. So let me know about Huckabees and maybe I'll consider renting it, I like the things you said about it. I just got a serious buzzkill. My friend called who knows about computers and is helping me get rid of my virus. No FUN at all. Ugh.
3 dog night:lol: , it sounds GREAT!



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New Here... my story...gotta value my voice finally
« Reply #49 on: June 09, 2005, 12:53:57 PM »
Hey, Menow.  Huckabees is strange, but I like strange films.  It's concept is funny: a confused young man hires "existential detectives" to find out about what he sees as a "coincidence".  It's not nearly the "heavy" movie I thought I would see, and I was pleasantly surprised.  Especially good to see Dustin Hoffman in that film as I just watched (part of, I shut it off) him in "Meet the Fockers" and couldn't believe how sophomoric the humor was....potty humor mostly.  Kind of pointless stuff, guess you have to be in the mood.

Lots of great acting in really moved along, too, which a lot of "artsy" films do not.
I thought it would be like "The Royal Tannenbaums", which I liked, but that I found HEAVY at times.....and it was much, much lighter.


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New Here... my story...gotta value my voice finally
« Reply #50 on: June 10, 2005, 12:09:30 AM »
Hi Mum, Okay, that sounds good. I think I was thinking of the royal tannenbaums. That did look depressing. I also left the theatre halfway through Meet the Fockers. I had the same thought, such stupid potty humor. It was an insult to any adult intelligence. Well, the healthy ones. So I think I will give it a try, I   Huckabees sounds good!

I am tired really tired. I finally cleaned my place, I was forced to, I have a friend coming back to town. My nice neighbor  :D  He is so sweet. I really like  him as a friend for now. I can be myself. He gets me and listens.

But today, I had another day of crying. I think my body is waking up. So much sadness. So much pain. I think my body is literally letting it out. I am just physically exhausted. But all the while I am having so many poignant realizations about what I had to put up with. I have so much more compassion for myself these last few weeks. I am off to bed...
