Not really sure where to put this, but I though everyone here could appreciate it: (esp. Mudpup, cartoon philosopher that he is). This just sounded SOOOOO much like my exN I had to share!
If you have seen the comic strip "Non Sequitur" you will know the characters, but I will do my best (play form):
Lucy (a talking horse): as a preconceptulal scientist, you reach a conclusion to a theory FIRST, then just ignore all evidence that proves you're wrong?
Danae(her human friend, a pre-pubescent, very precocious girl):
Lucy: So you believe you're ALWAYS right?
Danae: Well, since we don't hear anything to prove us wrong, logic dictates we MUST be right!
Lucy: Yeah....but....just because you won't listen doesn't mean.....
Danae (interrupting, fingers in ears, musically) la-la-la-la-la.....
Lucy: I give up....
Danae: See how easy it is?