what is she--
Hey guys, let me give you some good advice, if a woman is not emotional and she seems too good to be true-- trust me, she's not real. If she's not real, not honest, and not herself, eatting a cruton and a glass of water when you take them out for dinner, more than likely, you do not want to go any further in the relationship. Women are wired to be emtional, and if they're not, you have a problem child on your hands. At the same token, you don't need a drama queen either. Drama Queens, in my opinion, seem to have a tendency to be N's. My brothers have come to me for advice on love, and if you don't have a sister to talk to, unfortunately, you will never understand. Women are wired differently, we are emotional, relational, and always wanting to help. We look to men to give us emotional stability, security, and protection. You want to make us happy. We want to be happy. If you can't make the woman in your life happy, get out; otherwise, you will never be happy. And when everything is said and done, you are the person that you have to live with all your life, so your happiness is the most important. If you're not happy, you can't make anyone else happy.
My advice to you, if you want someone who is emotionally available, you can't go wrong with an Italian (non mafia

), but you better be ready--because Italians are very emotional creatures. I know, I'm one. And if you are not really in touch with your feeling, we have a way to bring it out of you. But ultimately, the best way to find true love is to go to the Big Guy upstairs, Jesus. If I depended on myself to find my true love, I never would have found him. But God made you, and he knows you. Try working on you, loving you, loving God, and then when the time is right, he'll give you the right one. In the meantime, my brother and I found that Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus to be extremely helpful. Men and Women really do see things differently, and it never hurts to understand the language of the people you want to live with. I cannot even tell you how many times I got athletes tongue from sticking my foot in my mouth when I was talking to a guy I liked because I didn't understand how he thought. It gives a pretty good perspective on both sides of the fence. It also would help you in your professional life as well. Remember, whatever you ask, believing in your heart that you will receieve it, you will.
I'm forty years old, and God finally gave me the love of my life, and he is perfect for me in every way. Sure we have disagreements, but neither one of us is going anywhere, and no matter what, we will work it out. As mushy as it seems, when I met him and held his hand for the first time, I felt the missing key to my heart turn in the middle of my soul and the emptiness was gone. I knew I found him; the funny thing was, I stopped looking.

I hope that helps.
I know what is going on. It just sucks a lot. You find a women who fits all of the criteria one looks for, and come to find out, its not at all what I am looking for. I am in therapy and getting places real fast. Of course its all about the mother in my life and taking care of her emothinally at a very young age. Its about not abandoning the women in my life. For heavens sake, I could never aboundon my mother. Unfortunatly, I will stick around too long in some realationships that I know I should not be in. At one time in my life, I would see the first red flag and bail like no tommorow. After I graduated from college and started looking at my relationships, I tried to be more understanding and its almost like I've done a 180 into the opposite direction as far as boundaries and beliefs. I just feel like I was a doormat and should have gotton out a long time ago, before I felt like a chump and not wanted by a women that seems to have so much of her life in order. I have been told by one of her friends that also dated her brother, that she will never be able to give the kind of emotions that are required for a true relationship. I think she has more commitment issues than N traits. Her mother on the other hand is classic N. Its been almost 3 months and it is getting a lot better. The hardest part is that I shut down after a while and let the relationship become stagnant. I feel like I could have done more, a lot more. Thats my pride getting in the way and not looking at it for what it is. I am starting to date again and I will get past this. I still have those days that I just want to call her and tell her why I did not do the things she wanted me to do. She never gave back and I think she was never in it for the long haul anyway. It was all about being with a good looking man on her side. Anything to fullfil her emptyness.
Thanks all for giving advice.