GFN, thanks for the love. Can't cope with the logic and the reasoning bit at present; like reading Chinese. But this place certainly wouldn't be the same without you.
I'm glad you felt "love" October (cyber love eh??

Isn't it cool???).
Hopefully you're feeling better and you will be able to cope with the much more logic and reasoning real soon (so I'm posting this now and you can re-read it later....if it doesn't compute now..but I think it might). You are valued here, very much too, October. I'm sure by many more people than just me.
What I might have been better to say would have been something like:
"I see your vivid imagination and your potential to recreate your vision into something really good and positive for the future".
One of my favorite little childhood stories, that I read to my children many, many times (often at their request too) is called:
"The little engine that could". Do you know that one? Where the hill is soooo big--seems impossible to get up..... and the little engine decides to think he can make it up the hill and as he tries so hard to climb it, he keeps telling himself: "I think I can! I think I can!" and he finally gets to the top, by shear determination and his own believing in himself??
I love that little story. I think it says a lot. It's not always easy to be like the little engine but it is possible....a real possibility. My hope is that you will decide to believe you can October! Because you can!!! That's what I see!
October can! She might be a little engine and she might not think she can right now, but she can change her mind about all of that, if she decides to, and tell herself:
"I think I can! I think I can!" and work her way up that long, steep hill.
(I think you're trying really hard and are a bit discouraged right now--the darn hill is soo long and steep and seems endless!!).
Written by yrs trly in 1999. Still true today. I can hear GFN saying 'walk out of that d*** corner!!' as I post it.
That is soo cool

what you wrote!! The angel turning stones into lovely flower petals!! You feel trapped in the corner?
I see you noticing that the corner has only 2 sides and I see you taking steps away from it, with your little angel pitching the flower petals on the floor, leading you in the right direction!! I see your potential to notice that!
Yes October!! Come out of that stinking corner!! I think you can! I think you can!!!
Hey Bunny thanks! I'm not really getting it though (as you can probably see from this post).
They can be reached other ways but not with questions and cognitive examples.
What other ways do you mean?