Bridget, I have to say that every time you post I see your progress. I realize that it may not feel like progress to you, but I believe it is. Sometimes it is hard to see all the little day by day changes you've made by yourself. I know how excruciating it can be to be in a situation that you don't yet have the strength to escape. Everytime you do something to take care of yourself you take a step toward escaping this situation and getting your own life back. Every time you get enough rest, eat healthy, talk to someone about the situation, try something a little different, set a boundary, enforce a boundary, have a realization, learn something, you are taking another step toward yourself and out of the bad situation. I look at what you have already survived and know that you can do this. I look forward to the day when you aren't just surviving, but really get to live!
I also had fears that my wife would kill me in my sleep with a knife. They were almost like flashbacks or flashes of images. This was the only way that the part of me that was aware that she was killing my spirit could warn me to take care of myself. I had suppressed that part a long time ago to survive in my family growing up. After a lot of work, I was able to welcome that part of me into my inner family and now he can just talk to me instead of having to show me scary images. Maybe you could try to thank the part of you that is showing you scary images for the warning next time. I know that is a big, big change in attitude, but you might think about it. What would happen if you did that?
I think that October hit it on the head. Little Bridget is telling you about the change going on inside you with the idea of a butterfly. You are changing, and that is scary. But, it leads to great things too. Just take it at the pace you are most comfortable with. Not too fast that you feel out of control and not too slow that you feel stuck. You get to decide.