Author Topic: Introduction - only child of Nmom single parent (long)  (Read 1554 times)


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Introduction - only child of Nmom single parent (long)
« on: June 20, 2005, 09:25:55 AM »
Hi everyone,

I'm very new to this board, and I've spent the past few days just reading and reading. I can't believe what I've found. It seems like every single post I've read could have been written by me. Before last week, I didn't even know the name for NPD, there was never a coherent and collected way to put together all my confusing childhood (and adult) experiences. WOW.
My story is that I'm an only child of a single Nmother. She was adopted and abused by her adoptive parents. I found the list of N traits on a site last week, and she has every single one of them. Frighteningly, I seem to have some of them, too.

My father left her when I was only a few months old. She told me that she conceived me by covertly taking out her diaphragm and getting pregnant deliberately against the wishes of my father (who already had 5 children from another marriage). She raised me alone and never let me forget the "sacrifices she made for me". She treated me like her little baby doll, dressing me up and bleaching her own hair to look like mine, so that I'd be the perfect little reflection of her, the new, improved extension of herself.

Problems started when I was 10 yrs old, and started to think for myself. That's when the verbal abuse started. She was used to thinking for me, squashing my voice, not allowing me any free will. And in my first fledgling attempts to stand up and have a voice, she verbally beat me down.

She never physically abused me, but the verbal abuse was very strong.
When I was 10, she got breast cancer. She had never worked a day in her life (lived off a trustfund) and always had pipe dreams of businesses she would start, but nothing ever materialised. (Oh, except that she had business cards printed up calling herself an Art Consulant and handed those out to people she'd meet and try to charm.) The breat cancer was exactly the permission she needed to let loose with her full N traits. She had money, but refused to hire anyone to take care of her. I took care of her. I spent months out of school, looking after her. And she abused me as I took care of her. Social services were called, but (at her imprinted instruction) I told them that there was no problem.

She was probably back to full strength after chemo in about a year's time, but she ended up staying "bedridden" for 3 years, while I waited on her. She had a schoolteacher's bell that she would ring for me, and I would come running. I want to melt that bell down someday. She was able to leave the house if she wanted to, she just used her position to gain sympathy, and I always gave it to her. The "lesson" she learned was to be sick with something, and she would get attention. And she's been "sick" with one thing or another for the last 20 years since.

Eventually something must have given her a kick in the pants, because she got out of bed, went back to her routine of driving miles around town to find the best bargain. She would buy clothes, wear them for over a year with the tags on and then return them. She would steal things from stores, and give them to me like a cat bringing a mouse to it's owner. She would take a big bag and ziplock baggies to a buffet and load the bag full. This woman had hundreds of thousands of dollars in the bank and jewellry in safe deposits that she'd take me to see.

In my teens, I started to wake up to her behaviour a little bit, but could never really put my finger on it. She controlled me to keep me to herself. She wouldn't let me out of the house to see friends. She bullied me academically and pushed me. She had me tested at age 6 and put in a gifted school and took me to agents to try to get me in commercials. I was going to be the smartest, most talented, famous, wealthy, attractive actress/doctor/married to royalty daughter ever. "She wanted the best for me and she was the best mother in the world. She was a good, kind, loving mother", she said. And in the next breath, she'd tell me I was a bitch, a whore, that she'd cut my head off and that I was ungrateful and a terrrible daughter. She waffled between hating me and loving me. She hated me when I disagreed with her, or pointed out a lie or didn't give her attention. She loved me when I gave her attention or reflected well on her.

She was image-obsessed in a wierd way. She wouldn't go swimming because then everyone would see how flat the back of her head was when her hair was wet. Even when she was in her late 60s, she would say how young she looked. She would be overweight and craggy looking, and say that she was beautiful and had great legs and how adorable she was when she was young compared to me and how small her breasts were compared to me.

I left home at age 17 and went to university. She kept her claws in me for another decade. She would insist that I call her at a specific time every day, so that she could talk to me incessantly for an hour about herself and her mundane day, only letting me talk enough to give her information she could use as ammo in the future. She never actually asked about me sincerely. I never, ever had a voice with her. I would get off the phone bawling every time, for years!

In my 20s, I went to therapy a few times, and didn't find it terribly successful. I remained loyal to my Nmom, because she had imprinted me with superlatives about herself ("my mom's the best, the most loving, she cares about me, i can't leave her"). Eventually, I realised that she was toxic for me, and that I had to break away. I've cut off contact with her for years at a time over the past 10 years, and currently, I haven't spoken to her directly in almost 4 years. I moved across the world, and the physical distance has been my saving grace. I've finally found a great therapist who I've been working with for a couple of years who has been helping me find my voice. In fact, the first thing we decided to work on was "finding my voice", and I had no idea about the existence of this board. I have been controlling my communication with my mom for a couple of years, and have been only sendig birthday and xmas cards (no Mother's Day!) and flowers when she was in hospital recently.  

Over the years, I've watched her drain every person who's ever come into contact with her and then toss them aside. I never realised how she drained me. Now, I see it and I'm so angry! I recently got email from one of her current vampire victims. It was extremely helpful for me to see that my Nmom treats her the same way as she used to treat me. That I wasn't alone or crazy  (she always denied any abuse, denied saying verbally abusive things and said that I was making it up, I used to write down as she was saying it, so I'd have a record).

I'm now working on recognising who I am, and have discovered that some of my Nmom's traits have rubbed off on me and have influenced my life with my fiance. It's tragic and I'm so glad to become aware of what I do. I'm hoping to discuss this type of thing on the board with all of you.

Thank you for reading this long message. There's so much I want to write about, but it takes a lot out of me to put the thoughts together, as I'm not really experienced with expressing myself.



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Introduction - only child of Nmom single parent (long)
« Reply #1 on: June 20, 2005, 10:11:18 AM »
hey_dahl, If you have just begun to voice, I can't wait to hear what else you have to say girl.  The words you spoke said volumes!

I have found alot of useful information in dealing with npd on this board.  I stumbled upon npd like you did and it about knocked me off of my chair when I read some of the things.  Like you, I could never quite put my finger on what my N BF had.  Well, now the healing begins.
Fool me once, shame on you.  Fool me twice, shame on me!



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Introduction - only child of Nmom single parent (long)
« Reply #2 on: June 20, 2005, 10:41:57 AM »
Welcome hey_dahl!

What a wonderful writer you are!  Keep expressing yourself/story or whatever you wish.....if you wish because you really are nailing so much down with your words.

This in particular caused a connection:

I used to write down as she was saying it, so I'd have a record).

I did that too, sometimes!!!  It was a way to keep from feeling crazy!
"Yep, I actually did hear that...I wrote it down.  Whew! I'm not imagining".

Mostly, I would do this in my journal and then later, when I was feeling stronger, less reactive, etc....I would go back and read and see if the person's words evoked the same feeling.  Yep.  Sure did.

I don't blame you to feel angry!  It's almost a given in such circumstances.   :x

I'm glad to hear you've distanced yourself and are taking care of you!  This is a big, hard step but in the right direction, I think.

I'm also sorry you had such a crappy mother. :(    :(   That is painful....heart wrenching!   I'm really sorry for all you've been through.

Keep posting!   And again, welcome!


mum as guest

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Introduction - only child of Nmom single parent (long)
« Reply #3 on: June 20, 2005, 11:48:46 AM »
Welcome, Dahl.  I am knocked off my I frequently am when reading people's stories about "mothers" who hurt their children!  You basically had no mother.  That's not what a real mother does for her children. I am so sorry.
 It's such an unbelievable crime, and yet, because we can't "see" it, it's hard to get anyone to believe it is abuse!!!

I think you express yourself extremely well. So please keep posting here. Like a lot of people here, I also thought my ex's picture would be next to the first description of NPD my therapist read to me!!

I am glad you are continuing to heal..that you see a way out. Funny how naming some evil can help us wrestle it's damage down within us.


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Introduction - only child of Nmom single parent (long)
« Reply #4 on: June 20, 2005, 03:22:59 PM »
Welcome to the board, Dahl.  Your post was so helpful to codify what being the child of an N is.  About 90% of what you wrote described my experience.   I get so much out of the forum and I hope you will too.  I have picked out some things I relate to enormously.

She was image-obsessed in a wierd way. She wouldn't go swimming because then everyone would see how flat the back of her head was when her hair was wet. Even when she was in her late 60s, she would say how young she looked.

My mom is in her 70s and still brags about how cute she is, and relates the admiring comments strangers supposedly have made about her.  She even contrived to be seen almost naked by my husband!  She will not leave the house unless her hair is done - when she visits I have to give up my hair appointment to her, and then she rags on how my hair looks.

I would get off the phone bawling every time, for years!

Yes I can relate.  My bawling could not be called crying.  It was a primal scream.

I remained loyal to my Nmom, because she had imprinted me with superlatives about herself ("my mom's the best, the most loving, she cares about me, i can't leave her").

It also doesn't help if you don't have other supportive relatives.

Now, I see it and I'm so angry!

This just about sums it up for lots of us.

I'm now working on recognising who I am, and have discovered that some of my Nmom's traits have rubbed off on me and have influenced my life with my fiance. It's tragic and I'm so glad to become aware of what I do.

I have the same fear, that I am part N.  You are doing the right thing to sort it out prior to getting married.  You are well on your way and I am glad for you.   I look forward to seeing you on the board in future.

Plucky G2


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Introduction - only child of Nmom single parent (long)
« Reply #5 on: June 20, 2005, 09:27:14 PM »

Welcome to this wonderful board. I have been here for 6 mos and find healing daily. I found the board like you, shocked at what I learned and angry at my self for not being more aware sooner.
There is warmth and care from  the people who post here.

I too had an N mother, she cloned my 3 sisters to look like her
I was the stubborn  red head not willing to go along with her.

I was often given the silent treatment for long periods, my sisters
knew they would get the same if they didn't go along with her.
It's been 28 years since  I left home, I have very little to do with her.

My N-husband is like this. He would rather write letters to our D so he makes sure it's always ONE way conversation. My H loves to use words out of context as ammo days and ever years later.  

she could talk to me incessantly for an hour about herself and her mundane day, only letting me talk enough to give her information she could use as ammo in the future

My N-Husband is soooooooooo good at this. He had me convinced this was his big problem for 28 years, I learned only recently he was an N.
He didn't have a bell but I understand how you would want to melt it someday.

I want to melt that bell down someday. She was able to leave the house if she wanted to, she just used her position to gain sympathy, and I always gave it to her. The "lesson" she learned was to be sick with something, and she would get attention. And she's been "sick" with one thing or another for the last 20 years since.

I have a meeting for my 12 yr old and myself with a clinic that helps people with N and other emotional problems.
I want our 12 year old to have a 3rd party explain to her how to understand when my H talks with love one minute then the next with such hate.  
We are seeking Divorce, I want her clear about her Dads unbalanced Love to her. Her understanding is important, I guess all of this Narrssitic behavior is hard to believe the way if affects all involved.

She was a good, kind, loving mother", she said. And in the next breath, she'd tell me I was a bitch, a whore, that she'd cut my head off and that I was ungrateful and a terrrible daughter. She waffled between hating me and loving me

Keep reaching out as far as you can to heal your broken heart.
take care   ..................OR