Hi Butterfly,
Thanks for the hug, and please accept this one from me (((((Butterfly)))))
In reply to your kind question, my parents did not die of pancreatic cancer, but of two other kinds of cancer. Both events were pretty tough, with so many emotions going on, so much happening in a short space of time. It's good that you wrote that you and your siblings are getting closer emotionally now;that for me was one of the pluses, sharing the last few months of my parents' lives , especially my father's, with my brother and sister. That's not to say that it was all sweetness and light between us! Because of the emotional stresses of the time, there were arguments and silences, but in the end we seemed to find a path where each of us could use our different strengths in different aspects of the process and afterwards. We also found black humour useful in coping with some of the times when things just seemed too much to bear!
Obviously everyone's experience of being with a terminally sick parent will be different, so I don't mean to project my own experiences on to you.
But to clarify also what I wrote yesterday; if you can show love and tenderness in little everyday ways, both to your mother and to your siblings, (provided of course that they are treating YOU as they should,) then I think it will help you during the bereavement period as well as during your mother's illness. It's normal to feel guilt after a bereavement, and if you can look back and remember all the loving things you did, it might make that period a little bit easier for you.
Just a few thoughts anyway. Don't forget Butterfly, we're all rooting for you 'here,' ie on both sides of the Atlantic and probably beyond!